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Which Music Title It Girl Are You?

Which Music Title It Girl Are You?

Whether you’re as pretty as Heather, as feisty as Roxanne, or as infuriatingly seductive as Michelle, you’re definitely an It Girl of your own life movie. 

You gotta relate to at least one or two of the bops in this list. You might just find your life song!

1. Heather – Conan Gray

Heather is the conventional cool girl every one of any circle has. Much like how Conan Gray portrayed her in his hit song “Heather” this It Girl is beautiful, kind, popular, and generally likable. Most girls would kill to be a Heather, thus the iconic line “I wish I were Heather.”

This hit song from 2020 was such a success that the name Heather became a stereotypical label for conventionally attractive girls.

2. Roxanne – The Police

This nearly 50-year-old bop tells a story of a guy who falls in love with a prostitute named Roxanne. The whole song is from the point of view of the man who tries to persuade Roxanne to quit prostitution as does not have to “put on the red light” to make ends meet as long as she agrees to stay with the man.

If “My way or the highway” is a person, it would be Roxanne. She embodies bold It Girls who choose to get things done their way. She does hold a greater power that goes beyond what she does for a living. That is evident throughout the whole song because the persona never persuaded her into quitting.

3. Michelle – Sir Chloe

Sir Chloe wrote this incredible written piece of ear candy. If one will decipher the lyrics, it talks about a seductive woman named Michelle, who was referred to as “a monster from hell.” this is because the persona was said to have a religious upbringing that goes against homosexuality. Michelle, being the gorgeous and mystical It Girl she is, was quite seductive for the persona. Instead of owning up to her feelings for Michelle, she resorts to branding her as a monster for letting her ponder on homosexual thoughts.

In conclusion, Michelle slayed so hard that she confuses this chic’s sexuality

4. Betty – Taylor Swift

This song was written from the point of view of James, the man who cheated on Betty. The song described his regret and queen Taylor graced us with a killer pre-chorus line. “the worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you.” Listening to Betty feels a lot like having the closure you never had from a guy who wronged you. 

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Betty is the type of It Girl that everybody roots for. She shows that a woman does not become less of a person after having been cheated on by no good foolish boys like James.

5. Matilda – Harry Styles

Matilda is the backbone of the household, which makes her the strongest It Girl. If Louisa from Encanto had an emo phase, she would undoubtedly relate to Matilda. The persona in the song encourages Matilda to let go of the ones who abuse her emotionally. The line “You can start a family who will always show you love.” is practically a cue for tears.

If you can relate to Matilda, we’re sending the biggest hugs! It’s time for your self love era.

Which song’s muse do you connect the most to? Whatever it is, have a fun time jamming along these bops, and have a great main character moment!

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