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Riot Games teases Valorant Episode 6 with art, cinematic, and a new map

Riot Games teases Valorant Episode 6 with art, cinematic, and a new map

With Episode 5, Act 3 going to an end this January 9, Riot Games has been teasing the release of Valorant Episode 6. Ever since the beginning of 2023, they have been releasing art on their social media accounts showcasing agents and maps. These posts garnered millions of views from fans who expressed their hype about the upcoming episode. 

Revelation: Episode 6 Cinematic

This January 5, Valorant released the anticipated cinematic entitled “Revelation”. In the span of four minutes, it gave players a glimpse of agents’ lives. This time, Harbor, Astra, Fade, Omen, Sage, Raze, Killjoy, and Jett caught the spotlight. 

Fans expressed their appreciation for Riot Games through the positive comments and feedback that they are leaving. Sage being aggressive is a fresh take from her typical role as a healer. Omen mains are happy for more lore and appearance. Fade parts did not disappoint either, especially with how her abilities were utilized. Raze and Killjoy fans continue to win with more content for their favorite lesbian ship. These are only some of the top comments that fans noticed and enjoyed.

Twitter users spoke about their love for the art. Some are already sharing and downloading desktop wallpaper versions of some frames from the cinematic.

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To make the project possible, Riot Games partnered with Blur Studios in the creation of the cinematic. Lex + Otis worked on the storyboard and concept design. eaJ and Safari Riot collaborated to produce the music used, VISION

New Map: Lotus

From Episode 6 Cinematic: New Valorant map called Lotus
Teaser picture of Valorant’s new map: Lotus | Riot Games

Clues about the new map were scattered across the cinematic. Valorant Leaks and News introduced it as “Lotus”. They disclosed that it will be a map with three sites just like Haven.

“From darkness, revelation. Uncover the wonders of a forgotten world in Episode 6: REVELATION. Kicking off Jan 10, 2023,” Valorant wrote as a caption.

A new episode means a new opportunity to rank up, play with friends, and collect in-game items. Enjoy the remaining of Episode 5 and look forward to Episode 6!

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