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Key to Forever: Love and Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

Key to Forever: Love and Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

Commiting in a long distance relationship is so challenging and sometimes becomes so crucial. The challenge of strengtening your relationship despite distance becomes a problem to some. However, having enough love and trust in every romantic relationships becomes bearable to couples.

Love and trust are both an essential component of any romantic relationship, whether it’s long distance or not.

Graphics | Kristel Anne Sabater

A very common challenge to every LDR couple is their lack of physical presence. If your love language includes physical touch, then commiting to this kind of relationship is very hard for you! Usually, without trust and love, some leads to doubts and insecurities or worst — sudden break-ups.

With trust and love from one another plus an open honest communication, common couple problems can be avoided. It is important as it allows both partners to have faith that their significant other is being truthful and faithful in their absence.

Trust and love also becomes a building block for every couple, especially in LDR ones. It allows them to ensure their committment and foster their feelings to one another. With these two, couples tend to feel guarded and confident with how their relationship would go. It helps them not overthink things, despite being apart from each other.

Graphics | Kristel Anne Sabater

Love and trust goes hand in hand as it become one of your foundation.

It is very true that love and trust both plays hand in hand in every relationship. However, some says that trust becomes a core foundation of love. In an LDR situation, love sometimes isn’t enough to stay faithful and honest with one another.

In a long-distance relationship, partners rely heavily on each other for emotional support. Trust and love is necessary to ensure that partners feel safe most especially in sharing their emotions. It is very overwhelming having someone to talk to at times when you needed an open ears to hear.

Graphics | Kristel Anne Sabater

Given the distance, time differences, and even a limited opportunities for face-to-face interaction can make it difficult to maintain the emotional bond which keeps every relationship strong. However, if both partners love and trust each other deeply, they become more motivated to show off their efforts and sacrifices just to stay and strenghten their relationship.

Being in a long distance relationship is never a joke. It sometimes is a risk which requires greater understanding with one another. And yes, if you’re in an LDR situation with your partner — I’m proud of you! Stay faithful.

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