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5 common red flags in relationships you shouldn’t ignore!

5 common red flags in relationships you shouldn’t ignore!

When you start dating someone, it’s best to keep an open mind to many things. Sure, you might be annoyed at how clumsy they are or how they like to pile up their dirty laundry like a mountain. However, these things aren’t exactly the reasons to leave the relationship.

Photo from Hope for Women Magazine

What are red flags exactly?

Real dating red flags are a little more complicated than habits you could pass off as behavioral quirks. “A red flag is a good intuitive image to help you process what you’re really feeling,” explains psychiatrist Abigail Brenner.

Photo from Tingly Mind

They are indicators or signs like feelings of insecurity and negative feedback from one’s friends and family. Remember also that any form of abuse is the biggest red flag of all. You must leave the relationship as soon as you can if it occurs.

As obvious as these issues may appear, there are also tricky ones that you may not notice at first. But then, you need to watch for these red flags before getting serious with the person. This might save you from painful and bitter break-ups in the future!

Here are 5 key relational red flags to look out for:

Lack of communication

Photo from Very Well Mind

There are individuals who find it hard to express themselves and discuss their issues. Most of the time, they distance themselves emotionally so their partners are left hanging. But in a relationship, it is vital that you can be honest and open with each other. No one should suffer from the moodiness and “silent treatment” of a person special to you.

Immature and not taking responsibilities

Photo from Medium

As we grow older, we have to learn or master basic life skills. This includes self-care, budgeting, being stable in a career, and planning. However, there are individuals who fail to do these. These people may still be working on growing up. As a result, you’ll be the one carrying the relationship.

Major trust issues

When a person can hardly be honest with himself/herself, it’s almost impossible for them to be honest with you. You might find their actions calculated or malicious but for them, it’s a way to cope. But no one likes lies and deception in a serious relationship. You need someone to have integrity and respect. He/she also should be accountable for their mistakes.

Controlling behavior

Photo from Medical News Today

If your partner is driving away your close friends and family away from you, think harder. Sometimes, they may make you choose them over significant others as an expression of “love.” This is a sign that your partner is being irrationally jealous of your other relationships. Another reason might be their need to be in control of your decisions and personal affairs. Do you really want to limit your world according to your partner’s preference?

Unresolved issues of previous relationships

This is not exclusive to romantic partners but also to family members and friends. If your partner cannot assess why their past relationships did not work out, it might pose a problem for the present one. Also, observe if they consistently blame the other party for all of the issues. Most probably, the same thing can happen in your own relationship.

At the brutal end of a relationship, people often say, ‘He or she told me who he or she was at the very beginning, but I just didn’t listen.’ Let’s open our eyes to not miss those tell-tale signs when dating or in a new relationship.

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