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The benefits of using under-eye gel masks

The benefits of using under-eye gel masks

Your skin — even the ones under your eyes — needs a lot of TLC. Sure, a dab of moisturizer might help. However, it’s not always the perfect fix. That’s why you should use under-eye patches that are gaining a lot of hype. These have become a simple solution for removing puffiness, and soothing, and hydrating the skin under your eyes. 

All you need to know about using under-eye patches

Of course, there are a lot of products that make bold claims that they will completely eliminate dark circles or bags under your eyes. However, they don’t always work. Factors, of course, include lack of sleep, allergies, dehydration, and even genetics come into play. The skin under your eyes is very thin and easily prone to showing signs of aging more quickly than the rest of your face. A skincare routine that incorporates an eye cream or an under-eye patch can give the most improvement to those. 

Ingredients to use and avoid when it comes to under-eye patches

When it comes to most skincare products, there are three to five ingredients that should make up most of the formula. Look for the ingredients like vitamin A, retinol, kojic dipalmitate, coenzyme A and caffeine, shea butter, and squalane. These ingredients will stimulate collagen, promote skin elasticity, lessen the appearance of fine lines, lighten dark circles, ease puffiness, and replenish skin lipid barriers among others. Avoid ingredients like those with added fragrances, lemon oil, grapefruit, and menthol. 

The dos and don’ts of using under-eye patches

Apply the under-eye patches at any time of the day as many times a week as you want to. Apply it when you use sheet masks with intensive treatments like retinol, AHAs, or clay masks. Plus, you would want to protect the delicate skin around the eyes from strong ingredients. Read the ingredients on your under-eye patches carefully and follow the instructions. And, do not disregard those instructions as those professionals, doctors, and cosmetologists wrote those.

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Don’t apply any serum or essence or cream before applying the under-eye patches. It simply won’t work. Don’t leave them on for longer than recommended. It will dry out and it might cause more wrinkles. Plus, never sleep in patches. Those are designed to be worn for as long as is indicated on the box. Aside from that, do not reuse patches as those are defined to be used once and disposed of right away.

Under-eye patches are also kept at a room temperature. However, many manufacturers suggest placing the container with patches in the fridge for twenty minutes before applying to the skin. Cold patches work well on puffiness. However, it isn’t advisable to keep patches in the fridge all the time. Cold temperature might slow down the effectiveness of the essence and/or serum. 

Have we encouraged you to use under-eye patches? Let us know!

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