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Did Pablo of SB19 hint at his forthcoming solo debut?

Did Pablo of SB19 hint at his forthcoming solo debut?

The lunar spectacle is not the only phenomenon that came to light, at least for Pablo’s fans last night. Timely with the full moon rising yestereve, the leader of SB19 conveniently dropped an untitled song on his YouTube channel.

Striking a sense of wonder, the incident prompted many toward the most essential question to ask. At last, are we to see Pablo commence his official solo music outside SB19?

From Pablo’s YouTube Channel

What we know beforehand

In hindsight, Pablo’s passion for music is no longer a surprise. What is, however, the fact that another member of SB19 went ahead of him in pursuing individual artistry. That is to say, Ken Suson debuted with his single ‘Palayo‘ around September last year.

Moreover, fans have long heard and witnessed shreds of Pablo’s solo compositions. To mention, he performed his unreleased ‘Kumunoy‘ and ‘Kelan‘ at their past concerts. Also ‘Niyebe,’ which was later announced as the quintet’s upcoming.

But excluding these, so little is known of what exactly are Pablo’s plans for his much-hoped-for solo debut. To add, it so happens that he innately is not the type to be that vocal.

Thankfully, eager admirers have been provided better answers just last midnight of January 18.

The hints that we have so far

At exactly 8 pm last night, Pablo announced streaming live on his Facebook page. Forasmuch as everyone’s awareness of his modest social media usage, fans were plain happy and excited.

Little did anyone know, this instance is what will begin an important well-thought night. What looks like Pablo’s simple tweets are rather clues of what he has in store for fans!

Snapped from Pablo’s Twitter Account

On a short Twitter thread, Pablo hinted at his stream coinciding with the rising of ‘wolf moon’ at 10 pm. Contextually, a wolf is the main character in his page’s logo meant to represent himself.

During his live, Pablo mentioned as well something that A’TIN must watch up for. It later turned out to be a video uploaded on his YouTube that should solidify any assumptions.

A new song to top it all

The three-minute-length premiered video appears to be a snippet of a new song. It motions the silhouette of Pablo in an artistically gloomy setting while he sings to a painful mellow.

The composition written in Filipino substantiates a deep, dark, yet evoking lyricism. While Pablo is the one to truly say, it gives an impression of being about intrapersonal dejection.

Furthermore, the ‘moon‘ was also emphasized as the main imagery of the (currently) untitled song. Now connecting the dots are Pablo’s tweets, down to his live, and the first video on his channel.

See Also

Photos courtesy of: SB19 Pablo- Echoes on Twitter

Pablo also changed layouts for his social accounts including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with an emptied feed. All of his icons or display pictures are now black.

It seems that a meaningful dark new era is arriving, but everything has come to light. The alpha is coming!

So when is SB19 Pablo’s solo debut?

The YouTube premiere of a supposed abridged song suspected to be Pablo’s solo signal was reshared by SB19’s official account. With clues gathered by fans, these presumptions are highly acknowledged to be true enough, with only a formal announcement needed.

On the video of the untitled song, fans were quick to notice an important easter egg. Potentially, it could be the exact date of what they wishfully manifest. And chances are they got it right— Pablo is debuting solo on the 28th of January 2022!

Snapped from Pablo’s YouTube Channel

Following the big news, A’TIN once again dominated the Philippine trends on Twitter. Multiple entries related to this topic simultaneously occupied top spots with tweets surpassing hundreds of thousands.

It is yet to happen, but loud is the howl of upcoming success. We look forward to your solo debut, Pablo. Seize the mic!

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