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Air plants, a plantitx must-have

Air plants, a plantitx must-have

You can never go wrong by putting environment-wise decorations in your favorite space, especially in your own home. With a great choice of organic counterparts, diffusers can totally be a second thought. Tillandsia for example, or more likely prominent in the name: air plant.

Gaining its way to rekindle one’s plantitx phase, this magnificent indoor plant is one for the books. Without the need for soil, minimal attention to water, and low maintenance, you will surely get one yourself.

Air plants, a plantitx must-have


It is really a no-brainer that you need a lot of research before taking care of any indoor plant. In instances, some might not complement your lifestyle as species may vary from regular keeping. Luckily, air plants don’t have a thing for high maintenance and care.

From adapting to survive without sediment to having vibrant looks, Tillandsia can live by simply hanging. Needing only a direct source of sunlight, this cute and quirky plant can purify your busy desk.


Air plants don’t have a major inclination to be costly, some species have taken the market by storm as these variations can now be seen sold in high demand. Trendy to some collectors, the plant currently became the face of indoor gardening, anew.

Also, in choosing a variety of your liking, be mindful of the conditions it requires to be met as you purchase it. One variation called, Fuego (T. ionatha fuego), is a hit for mostly casual plant buyers. Plus, these red appealing leaves have a complimentary touch to any light-toned wall.

Green is in

Having the opportunity to promote clean air and living space is a new thing. Perhaps, even the best humidifiers and scented candles have no chance of organic tillandsia. No energy consumption, better footing to green emissions, and a new experience in caring for life.

Moreover, it is fun to start taking care of a unique plant. With lowkey necessities to refresh your room in return, what a big win, right? So, next time you plan a slick addition to your backdrop, don’t take a risk on those fairy lights and monochromatic brings. Who knows, maybe a spotless plant is all you needed for.

There are plenty of listings from online shops on where you can get your air plant of choice, just take note that alongside its visuals, it is indeed a nurturing flora.

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