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Ace your Exams with Active Recall Technique

Ace your Exams with Active Recall Technique

Are you tired of reading over and over in the hope that something will stick in your mind, only to remember nothing? Reading through your notes mindlessly will not help you comprehend information thoroughly. And perhaps your chosen method of study is ineffective for you. Why not utilize Active Recall?

What is Active Recall?

Active recall, also known as retrieval or practice testing is a study method that involves the process of remembering. So, when you use this method to learn, you are basically retrieving the information out of your brain.

This strategy guarantees learning by requiring the brain to recall the information instead of passively absorbing the facts through reading. In addition, this kind of study technique allows you to focus on specific areas do not understand. But how can you incorporate active recall?

Here’s how to ace your exams with Active Recall Technique!

Practice Questions

Practicing questions is probably the most powerful active recall strategy. It involves compiling your own list of concise questions using whatever resources are necessary and attempting to answer them without the aid of your notes. Ask yourself the questions repeatedly until you can provide correct responses.

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Flash Cards

A simple and classic method of practice testing is through using flash cards! To do this, simply write the main topic, a question, or something that will trigger your mind on one side of the card and write the answers or detailed information on the other side. This method works best if you learn what you need to remember ahead of time and then use the flashcards for active recall.

Read and Remember

Reading your material the old way is not an effective way to learn it. You’ll just waste your time reading a great deal of information and still end up not grasping the concept. The read-and-remember method will help you understand the material without needing other tools. This works by reading a short section of the text, closing your eyes and reciting it without looking at the material, and then opening your eyes to see if you got it right.

One of the best ways for a student to learn how to study better is to master active recall strategies. So what are you waiting for? Start acing your exams with Active Recall Technique!

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