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Roar, Roar, Dinosaur: My Fascination with Dinos

Roar, Roar, Dinosaur: My Fascination with Dinos

Let us all be truthful. Most of us have gone through the “dinosaur phase” during our childhood. You know, when dinosaurs are both fascinating and adorable. Meanwhile, I have to admit that that “phase” is still with me, despite the fact that I am now in my twenties.

How my fascination with dinosaurs started

Reading has always fascinated me since I was a child. It is a joy for me to learn new things, especially in science. A relative once gave me this National Geographic Kids Almanac. Then, whoosh! The next thing I knew, I was eagerly flipping through the pages until I came across pictures. I am not sure how or why, but as a child, my curiosity had been piqued.

In school, dinosaurs’ existence and extinction are taught. And that was the end of it! As a child, I was always curious about how they lived. What were they eating? How many dinosaurs were there? Is it possible that they will live past their final years? I was eager to have those questions answered. So I read, researched, and read some more.

It was never a phase.

I have learned a lot about their species as time has passed. And as I get older, I think it is just a phase. I was mistaken. I was still fascinated by dinosaurs up until now. When I see dinosaur stuff, I get a warm, joyful feeling. When the subject of dinosaurs comes up in a conversation, I tend to babble nonstop. I am in my twenties, and when it comes to dinosaurs, I still feel like a giddy little child.

Since we were all quarantined in our homes during the pandemic, I took an online course in Dinosaur Paleobiology. I could not be any happier. It was a fun and learning experience. The program was very interactive and I got a lot of new information that really helped me to clear some unanswered questions in my mind.

My fascination with dinosaurs will never fade. Whatever my age, I will always sate my curiosity about their species.

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