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Is Starbucks Reserve Hiraya worth the hype?

Is Starbucks Reserve Hiraya worth the hype?

Gen Zs love their travels and their coffee. We’ve been criticized for spending so much on these fancy drinks and destinations but what can we say? We enjoy savoring moments and making memories. This is precisely why it is no surprise that the opening of Starbucks Reserve Hiraya in Tagaytay quickly became not just a trending topic but also a popular go-to hang-out place.

Starbucks Philippines tapped the interest of many Filipinos when they teased the interior and exterior of the newly-opened cafe. On Facebook alone, their engagement skyrocketed with lots of users tagging whoever they want to share their coffee with. Located at Aguinaldo Highway, Silang Crossing West, Tagaytay City, it would be a no-brainer to expect that people will come over just to have the Starbucks Reserve Hiraya experience

With every trending place, the question is: 

Is it worth the hype?

Expect long lines if you wish to visit this trending Starbucks branch.

It’s the same with every popular destination in the Philippines. Expect traffic, full parking space, and absurdly long lines. A question you should ask yourself is, are you patient enough? 

We decided to visit on a rainy Thursday, at two in the afternoon. This would be considered a dead hour and yet, their parking space is already full and the line stretches all the way outside. Management only allows a certain number of people inside to avoid a crowded mess. 

Without exaggeration, we waited for an hour to get inside and another hour to order and wait for our drinks. Take note that this is on a rainy, not-so-busy hour and day of the week. Dropping by on a weekend already sounds like a nightmare.

After getting your order, they have a specific rule that only gives you up to two hours to stay. Starbucks said that this is “to allow more customers to enjoy the Starbucks Reserve Hiraya Experience”.

Going back, is it worth the hype? For experience, yes, it’s worth it. However, if you don’t care too much about its premium feel, there are nearby Starbucks branches just around the area.

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How is the Starbucks Reserve Hiraya Experience?

The Philippines knows Tagaytay City for its cool climate and iconic view of the Taal volcano. Starbucks Philippines strategically picked this location to open a premium shop for both locals and tourists to enjoy. 

If you don’t mind waiting, it can be a good experience with friends, family, and even by yourself. The branch offers exclusive pastries and drinks that you can’t find in your nearby Starbucks store. Moreover, this is where they debuted the Starbucks Oviso espresso machine, an innovation in exquisite coffee making. 

They also have a separate area for Starbucks Reserve coffee where you can watch coffee masters brew using a technique of your choice: pour-over, Chemex brewer, siphon, or coffee press. You can pick from the selection of cold brew, nitro, espresso classics, and even ice creams! 

What makes it unlike any other Starbucks branch is its interior which is heavily inspired by our culture. You can see some local weaving, gardening, and architecture, perfect for your Instagram needs. If you wish to remember your time spent here, you can purchase limited-edition Starbucks souvenirs, all neatly displayed around the store. 

Tasting the Starbucks Reserve Hiraya experience requires lots of patience. But once you get over the long lines, it surely delivers. Just know that they have all sorts of limited-edition pastries, drinks, and souvenirs, so you might need to prepare more money. It’s not as if it’s a daily thing so when you’re there, make the most of it by relaxing with the best view of Taal and your drink of choice.
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