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VP Tips for HMUA’s in this Community Quarantine Period

VP Tips for HMUA’s in this Community Quarantine Period


Everything that we keep busy with, our routine, is at a standstill due to the enhanced community quarantine imposed by our government. But one particular line of business prior to the community countdown has totally suffered due to the recent events — that is the usual flourishing Hair & Makeup Industry. Prior to the community countdown, events such as corporate functions, weddings, and debuts have all been postponed, if not at all canceled, due to the scare and the industry has been rocked to its core.

Why are hair & make-up artists so affected?

The people who work in this industry are usually freelancers, they expect to be paid based on the events that they are working on whether it is for an endorsement or a magazine shoot. This means, they usually live on paycheck to paycheck but that doesn’t mean it’s not lucrative, it actually is one of the highest paying jobs out there.


A lot of events have been called off though, for this reason alone, a lot of hair and makeup artists have raised their sentiments online. However, social distancing is a must, and they are some of the people who are vulnerable to the coronavirus infection since they need to be up close and personal with their clients. Unless they can just conduct an online tutorial and let their clients do their own hair and make-up.

This is a reality check for everybody in the industry, but what can they do in times like this when everything is on hold? Here are some VP tips for our creatives and we only hope that this can somewhat ease the pain in these uncertain times.

Start Vlogging

It’s high time to share your God-given talents to the world. Not only that you can inspire others with your video tutorials, but it can also be monetary fulfilling. Create a Youtube account and monetize it. It’s quite a phenomenon in this day and age of social media, you’ll never know, you might be the next Mimiyuuuh that a lot of people follow.


This time of isolation is the best time to upskill. Hair and make-up is a skill that requires lifelong learning. You can be confident with what you know, but what if there are still some things that you can be better at. Try to reinvent and learn some new techniques. The more you know, the greater advantage you will have, which means bigger moolah. Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

Work on your Social Media Accounts

For people in this industry, their portfolio is their social media accounts. Try to sort it out, improve it or perhaps create your own website. The digital world is a blessing, maximize it since you have so much time right now at your disposal.

Get an Insurance

If there’s one huge lesson that it has taught and made all of us realize is that nothing is permanent in this world. Illness can make you bankrupt in an instant and you don’t want to end up not being prepared by not leaving anything behind to your loved ones. It’s best to invest in health and life insurance and it’s high time to do it before it’s too late. You don’t want to go broke because of unforeseen circumstances like this and end up thinking I wish I had.

This industry can be liberating due to the infinite possibilities of the huge influx of money that you can earn from it. But without being wise, such a crisis can be debilitating and can slap you in the face. It’s unacceptable to not make yourself grow and leave yourselves unprepared. This quarantine period has one silver lining for this industry, that this is the best time to reflect and learn as much as you can.  If not today, then when?


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