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Reasons Why I Stopped Comparing Myself to Others

Reasons Why I Stopped Comparing Myself to Others

Do you struggle with constantly comparing yourself to other people? If yes, know that you are not alone, and this is a sad reality for many of us…

Why Compare?

I simply caught myself staring at my reflection, engulfed by the tail-chasing fury of self-doubt. It’s as if all the person I could see was a mirror that constantly reflects all of my failures in life.

I have struggled with comparison for most of my existence. I got to the point where I could tell the difference between its positive and negative effects on me. Yes, you read that right—comparison can be beneficial, but only as motivation for success, especially when I am lacking in my efforts to achieve something. However, if we start comparing everything, we will feel jealous and “less than” all the time until our sanity suffers.

Reasons Why I Stopped Comparing Myself to Others

The main reason I stopped comparing myself to others is that I realized that the more I compare, the more I deny who I am, and it ruins me.

I always find myself unworthy

I became reliant on comparing myself to others in order to validate my existence. It all comes down to a matter of self-worth. It got to the point where I invisibly labeled other people. My mind tells me that those with more money, more attractive image and more intelligent minds were more valuable, whereas my mediocrity meant I was less of a person.

See Also

I realized no one is living a perfect life

I often compare myself to those I want to become and those whose success I wish to emulate. All I can see is their triumph and glamour; they have a wonderful life with no problems that I can see. I failed to consider the fact that they, too, are human beings and thus subject to the same difficulties.

Comparison kills my Authenticity

The comparison makes us want the things we don’t initially have, so we thrive to attain and be like the person we compare ourselves to. Doing so, we can only see what we lack compared to what someone else has. This tarnishes the uniqueness that we already have within ourselves.

I no longer want to spend my life complaining about the things I lack. I’m on the right track and a work in progress. And most importantly, I am not behind!

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