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Music as an Escape

Music as an Escape

People listen to music as an escape from reality. Some find comfort in it, some feel relaxed, and some find their passion.

Nothing compares to the therapeutic feels that only music can give. Music has a way of infiltrating your entire being, bringing back long-forgotten memories, and shaping your feelings.

Different genres and different styles arise nowadays. What about you? What song captures your heart?

POV of a musician

Jin Lee, a musician, first fell in love with music when he was in elementary school. He also learned to play the guitar at that time. Initially, he wanted to learn how to play the drums, but his grandfather disagreed. According to his grandfather, it was too noisy to be a home instrument.

When you are so emotional and cannot find the right words to express it, some people choose to listen to their favorite song. The same case with Jin Lee who listens to music depending on his mood. He believed that it could help him articulate the emotions he was feeling.

“I do tend to distance myself from people at times, but doing something I love for people who like music as well is a very welcome reprieve from being quiet.”

Jin Lee

His favorite artists are Yvette Young, Jon Gomm, and Tommy Emmanuel. He referred to them as his inspiration as a musician. The most impactful song he listens to is Look at the Sky by Porter Robinson.

For him, music is the language of the soul. It serves as his breather whenever he’s stressed out and tired. He also finds it as his source of comfort.

Passionflower by Jon Gomm is his highly recommended song to listen to. The one line from the song that hit him hard is, “Weakness is not your weakness. You’re not what you’ve grown into. You’re not what you were.”

See Also

Effects of listening to music

No matter what genre you’re into right now, as long as you enjoy what you’re listening to, then that’s no problem at all.

Most people listen to music that they can actually relate to. Heartbroken, happy in love, or even about life, there are songs in accordance with these events.

Not just in the important moment of your life, you can still listen to your playlist just because. With that, you do not feel so lonely and secluded.

Problems and stressors are inevitable. However, you can do something about it. You can opt to listen to music and just sing your heart out. It works like magic.

What songs are you currently listening to? Care to share?

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