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How Workout Clothes Can Motivate You to Workout

How Workout Clothes Can Motivate You to Workout

Starting a workout at home or the gym can be the hardest task you have to fulfill. It can be as challenging as the workout itself, especially if you choose to do it in the comfort of your home because that too much comfort is also what makes you defer it.

How workout clothes can motivate you to workout

You know you should get up from your bed and get your sweat on. Likewise, if you fail to do it today, you know you might fall off the working-out wagon the next day. And, just like that, you’re back to your old habits. But, you’d still do some things that are much more tempting instead. It’s easier to just turn into your favorite show, invite your friends for a movie, or play computer games.

Have you thought it might be because you lack a motivational boost to workout? Thank goodness I’ve discovered one secret to boost your motivation to do the workout. It’s just in your closet: your workout clothes. Here are the reasons why.

Walking the talk: Workout clothes can get you actually started

Theater actors putting on their costumes or athletes putting on their uniforms is similar to putting on fitness clothes. When you’re wearing them already, you initiate the process of getting into character and thus prepare for the workout. You wouldn’t want to waste your time dressing up for nothing, especially if the fit doesn’t suit your mood for the day.

Outfit = Mood

Workout clothes

The widely held notion about one’s looks always goes like this: “how you dress influences the way others perceive you,” it’s never the other way around. Nevertheless, new studies affirm that the way we physically present ourselves doesn’t affect only the outside but the inside.

Clothing directly affects our mood, attitude, and drive to do things. It enhances our psychological state and improves our performance of tasks. When we are properly dressed for an activity or occasion, we tend to achieve more.

Workout clothes don’t have to be fancy or branded. It’s about feeling good about yourself.

According to a new study, nearly 9 out of 10 gym-goers agree that simply putting on their gym clothes helps them feel good about themselves and motivated to go to the gym when they’re not feeling up to it. 79 percent of 2,000 regular gym-goers say owning good gym clothes is one of the crucial steps toward meeting their fitness goals.

The co-founder of Barbell Apparel said, “Confidence is half the battle, and having workout gear that highlights your hard work helps motivate you to get your sweat on.”

Clothing directly affects our confidence as well. That’s why we intentionally design and fit our gym wear to help highlight the best parts of our bodies. Additionally, when we feel good, our mindsets shift to a place where self-care becomes more important to us.

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It’s a lot easier to keep up a habit than to restart a stalled one. Therefore, maintaining and boosting your motivation to work out is essential. Practice this one trick to get you sweating, and be amazed by its magic later on.

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