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College Bucket List: Maximizing your senior year before graduation

College Bucket List: Maximizing your senior year before graduation

Aside from acing our education, we should also make our college experience fun. Especially when you are in your senior year like me. Let’s maximize our last years at school and make them memorable.

With this college bucket list, you can enjoy your last year like me.  I’ve listed down below all of the things I want to do before graduation that you might also be looking for.

College Bucket List: Maximizing your senior years before graduation

1. Overnight with college friends

Sometimes your overnight with your college friends to finish your school requirements can lessen the loads. Aside from accomplishing it easily since you are together but things are fun to do when you enjoy it.

2. Visit and eat at your favorite eatery

We all have this favorite eatery inside or outside our universities. In this place, you created the most unforgettable memories you have together.

3. Be a volunteer

Some might find it boring but being a volunteer will make your senior years meaningful. As we step on our last years, we grew older and we see the bigger picture outside the world of universities.

4. Photoshoots with buddies

Having your memories to keep will help you to remember how good the old days are. Especially, when all of you pursue your own careers, even though things might change your memories live forever in you.

5. Take a trip or camp

This won’t be complete without those planning trips and at the same fulfilling it. Either it’s a road trip, occasion, or even camping. Go to the places you all want to be with together and make the most out of it before it’s too late.

6. Attend sports events

Intramurals are extra fun and interesting with your college buddies. You will cheer for your favorite players or team, shout and support them until the end.

7. Participate in campus events

We can experience it once in a lifetime, so why don’t we grab the opportunity and live the moment? Since things are different when you graduate, it’s your time to enjoy your last year.

See Also

8. Meet new friends

Meeting new people in your life is also fun. You get to know more other people and learn from them. So, when you graduated you’ll have no regrets that you took the chance.

9. Graduate on time with your college buddies

It is the most accomplishing thing you can have in your life. When you know it’s not only but all of you will graduate on time together after of the hard times you’ve had.

10. Write a letter to my senior self

Through this letter, you can go back in time and see how things happen. Sometimes, it’s different from what you want yet you achieve more of it. Seeing your younger self until the time you reached the end is amazing and fulfilling.

I hope I was able to do more of this and enjoy my college year. Don’t forget to enjoy your present times but a friendly reminder that you must not also destroy your future.

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