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A dog is a man’s best friend… but why?

A dog is a man’s best friend… but why?

“Man’s best friend” is a common phrase used to describe dogs. It refers to a long history of close relationships, loyalty, friendship, and companionship with humans. Before the 19th century, the breeds of dogs were largely functional. They performed different activities such as hunting, tracking, watching, protecting, and guarding.

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These days, whenever you think of dogs, especially those who own a dog, the phrase “man’s best friend” comes to mind, and it brings a feeling of great affection. But do you know the real reason why dogs are called that?

Where did the phrase “a man’s best friend” come from?

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It was first used way back in 1789 by King Frederick of Prussia. He said that “the only absolute and best friend that a man has in this selfish world, the only one that will not betray or deny him, is his dog. He was referring to his Italian Greyhound during that time. Since then, the term has been used all over the world when used to describe dogs.

A mutually beneficial relationship

Dogs and people began living together 15,000 years ago when dogs followed people’s migration throughout East Asia. The connection was natural, as both people and dogs are social beings. Neither can thrive when alone, and they both benefit mentally, and even sometimes physically, from strong social bonds.

They are more than just a pet

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Dogs have proven themselves over time that they are loyal, kind, understanding, and have an unconquerable spirit. Back in the 16th century, they served as service helpers for the blind, and by the 1970s, dog trainers developed techniques for dogs to assist people with disabilities. So, you see, whether they’re hunting, supporting people with disabilities, or simply acting as a companion, dogs help humans with day-to-day tasks.

Dogs will always be there no matter what, like a real best friend no one could ever replace.

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