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My three favorite movie lines that will surely change your perception of life

My three favorite movie lines that will surely change your perception of life

We remember some movie lines long after we’ve left the theater. Allow me to show you some movie quotes that might change your mind. It has remained in our recollection because it struck a chord in our souls. Reading these words causes us to question our current decision-making process.

My three favorite movie lines that will surely change your perception of life

The Dark Knight

Movie lines
Graphics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña
Photo | Esquire

Indeed, this is among my top picks for Joker films. Your innate abilities, your acquired knowledge, and your acquired skills did not manifest themselves in that way. You spent a lot of time and energy on that to get where you are now. Thus, you should never give your services away for free if you are particularly skilled at what you do. You’ve put in a lot of time and effort into learning that, and it shows. Acknowledging the worth of one’s talents, experience, and education is important.

The Boy Meets World

Graphics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña
Photo | TV Insider

It’s not a movie I know. but there was a line in an episode of a certain American sitcom from 1993 that really got my attention. It’s the process of becoming a better person. You won’t develop as an individual if you listen to other people’s criticisms of your actions and follow their advice. You won’t develop as an individual if you listen to other people’s criticisms of your actions and follow their advice. But if you push yourself outside of your comfort zone and look for ways to improve yourself, you will develop as a person.

This a powerful statement that encourages me to take risks and does things that are outside of my comfort zone. If things go as planned, that’s wonderful, but if they don’t, there’s definitely something to learn from the experience.

See Also

The Phantom Menace: Episode 1

Graphics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña
Photo | Phantom Menace

It is from the movie star wars, the quote says it all. Because of this, there is an occasional need to proceed with caution when it comes to this. Since we aren’t always capable of calming ourselves down, and because our feelings don’t always keep us in check all the time. That we maintain our composure at all times. However, we need to confront our fears head-on if we want them to be short-lived. I am aware that things will start out horribly, but I believe that enduring some difficulty right away is preferable to suffering for a longer period of time. Because you are too scared to give it a shot.

One of the best things about movies is how they always have at least one line that will alter our outlook on life in some way.

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