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Figure Out Your Face Shape with these Easy Steps

Figure Out Your Face Shape with these Easy Steps

Face shape is probably one of the most overlooked stylistic factors. Knowing your face shape helps you choose proper makeup placement, hairstyle, and face accessory. So, to help you pick styles better, here are some tips for knowing your face shape and, of course, its different types.

How to Determine Face Shape

The easiest way to determine your face shape is by closely examining it and observing your prominent features. Below are some prominent features you should observe and what face shape it suggests.

Wide Forehead

Having a broad forehead could easily mean that you have an oval-shaped face.

Wide Cheekbones

If you have wide cheekbones, your face can either be round-shaped or heart-shaped.

Short or Round Jaw

Having a shorter and rounder jaw can mean that your face is round-shaped.

Pointy or Narrow Jaw

If you have a narrow and pointed jaw, this may suggest that your face is heart-shaped.

Angled Jaw

Having a strong and angled jaw can mean having a square-shaped face.

Evenly-Proportioned Face

Having a proportioned face could likely mean that you have a square-shaped face.

Sometimes prominent features are not enough to clearly define your face shape. In this case, you can use measurements. Before starting to measure your face (using a tape measure), make sure all your hair is tucked away from your face to avoid obstruction. Below are the different measurements you should take note of.

Face Length

Measure from the top of your hairline to the lowest part of your chin. Note the measurement.

Forehead Width

Measure your forehead from the left side of your face to the right side. Or you can also measure from the left eyebrow arch to the right eyebrow arch. Make sure not to bend the measuring tape; hence, keep it flat.

Cheekbones Width

Find the highest point of your left and right cheekbones. Measure the width between the left highest point to the right highest point. Again, keep the tape measure flat and do not bend it.

Jaw Width

Find the widest point of your jaw. Measure it from the left side, then across to the right side. Another method you can do is holding the measuring tape just below your ear, bringing the other end down to your chin, and multiplying it by two.

Face Shapes

Now that you have noted your prominent features and face measurements, it is time to figure out your face shape. There are, in total, six types of face shapes. Some face shapes are easier to determine, and others require a closer look.

See Also


The diamond face shape is a variation of the heart or oval face shapes. A diamond-shaped face is characterized by high cheekbones, a pointed chin, and an angular and narrow hairline. In measurement, the distance between cheekbones should be slightly wider than those of the forehead, and the jawline should be the smallest.


A heart-shaped face is distinguished by a narrow chin (like the point of a heart) and wide cheekbones that are wider than the forehead. The most common giveaway of a heart-shaped face is its pointed hairline, also known as the widow’s peak.


The oval shaped-face is a combination of both the square and round face shapes. The length of an oval shaped-face is typically greater than its width, and it is usually proportional when split vertically. Oval shaped-face has wider cheekbones than the forehead and a more rounded jawline and chin.


A rectangle face shape is sometimes called an oblong. Rectangle-shaped faces are more extended than it is wide. It is also characterized by a forehead, cheek, and jaw with the same width and a chin with only a little curve.


The round shaped-face is easy to spot. It is characterized by having similar measurements for face length and face width. Cheekbones are also the widest part of a round face, and the forehead and jaw are the same sizes. In addition, softer and rounded angles can be observed on the hairline, jaw, and chin.


Square face shapes have the same face length and face width. The width of the forehead, cheeks, and jaw are also of the same measurements. The most defining feature of a square face is its wide hairline and angular jaw.

And there you have it, the different face shapes and ways to determine it. A final and vital word, though, is that face shapes are more complicated and could easily change from time to time. So, it is totally possible to not belong in a single type alone or to not belong in anything at all!

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