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INSTAGRAM RAID: Eian Rances, the man of charm to watch out

INSTAGRAM RAID: Eian Rances, the man of charm to watch out

Known as the Striving Streamer of Quezon of Pinoy Big Brother: Kumunity Season 10, Eian Rances draws the heart of his numerous fans.

At this point, he may be glaring in the public eye for the toing-and-froing links inside the PBB house. But in the outside world, there’s more to snap in “Pa-Mine Pare” star’s venturesome life.

Eian Rances
Photo courtesy of Eian Rances’ Instagram account

For those who are clueless, this 28-year-old actor is one of Kumu’s top streamers. Well, huge thanks to the ever-supportive EKIS (Eian Kumu International Squad) as well.

As his name constantly pops out in the social media trends, let’s take a look at some of his astonishing Instagram posts. We will just drop a hint: you can’t definitely take your eyes off of this endearing guy.

A beach guy in nature

Well, scrolling Eian’s feed is like taking a glimpse of his beach life (and beach body).

Additionally, he also proves that strolling the beach while riding is a horse seems fun, too.

Who wouldn’t love the beach? As the cliché says, it doesn’t matter where you go in life, as long as you go to the beach.

Staying active no matter what

If you find it hard to stay connected with your body during this time of the pandemic, let Eian inspires you to stay active!

Moreover, by checking out his Instagram posts, you’ll definitely know what would be the product having an active physical lifestyle.

Throwing kindness everywhere

To travel is to live, right? Eian is also a traveler who already wandered worth-seeing sights inside and outside our country.

One thing we all know for sure, he’s throwing kindness to every place he goes. His joking personality is also part, too.

The “Flashy” one

Channeling his inner Flash, his charm can undoubtedly save the day!

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Just like the DC character, he also got Speed Force superpower. In the ticks of a second, he can make someone attach to him.

Geeking out his look

Not to be hilarious or what, but Eian can also show a bit of his geek side. Wearing his specs, like a geeky one, is a fresh look to be noticed.

After all, he can also serve a bit of his innocence. It’s not always about the naughty and sultry side.

Perhaps, a perfect date with him

Just imagine Eian in a suit and tie asking you for a date. Well, everyone surely would not turn down this adorable man.

On the other hand, #AlEian fever is real in the Twitterverse at this point. Some fans are super thrilled to capture their moments along with his co-housemate Alexa Ilacad.

Once he steps off the outside world, we all know that there’s a bright future ahead of this Star Magic artist.

For those who can’t get over Eian’s shots, feel free to scroll his Instagram account.

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