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Everyone needs to have a passion project

Everyone needs to have a passion project

We work for various reasons. It is a means to acquire our basic needs and even purchase or two for our wants. It allows us to pay the bills, help out at home, and maybe go on trips with family or friends. Maybe some of us are trying to grow in our careers or make a name for ourselves.

Sometimes, we just drown in work too much, so frequently that we crave for something different. You probably have something in mind but you’re thinking there’s no time. It might take too long or it could be a distraction. The thing is, you also need to feed your soul, your heart. That’s what passion projects are for. 

Defining A Passion Project

In its simplest definition, a passion project is something you want to do for yourself. It can be you writing a book or creating a series of paintings. It could be growing plants in your home or building shelves for your books. You can take up knitting, create a Youtube channel, learn an instrument or language, and such. It looks like it could be one of the things on your bucket list if you have one. 

It’s a project outside of work for anyone who wants to do something closely-related to their interests. Money isn’t necessarily the driving force for your project. Instead, it’s your creativity, your love for the subject, your determination, and happiness that you channel. Already mentioned in the name, you are passionate about it. You can do whatever you want. 

You Can Do It!

At times, some people feel like their work-life or even their school life has become monotonous. They try to look for a spark of inspiration. However, when it comes, they think that it might take too much time. It would be a hassle to learn or do in the middle of their work. This can lead to stress. It can lead to burnout which then affects their day-to-day activities, including their work. 

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A passion project can be good for you because it allows you a breath of fresh air. What’s more, is that it unburies the interests and talents you have set aside for a while. It encourages you to explore as well, to discover what relaxes you, what inspires you, and what you are capable of creating. 

If you feel like you can make something good out of a project, allow yourself to start on it. Form a band, upcycle your clothes, create a website, and do what would make you feel alive. Passions have a way of doing that.

If you are drawn to it, believe that you can do it and let yourself create. 

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