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How Each Zodiac Sign Will Conquer The Year 2023

How Each Zodiac Sign Will Conquer The Year 2023

Just like that, the year 2022 is coming to an end and a new year awaits. According to the Chinese Zodiac, the year 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. This predicts that people born under Libra, Sagittarius, and Leo would have a preposterous year as they are the luckiest signs. Find out how your zodiac signs gonna survive the year 2023 through Western astrology’s horoscope!

How Each Zodiac Sign Will Conquer The Year 2023

Aries (Ram): March 21 – April 19

The fireworks may welcome the year 2023 but your year will start with an immeasurable change. Things will not turn out the way you expect them to. You may be more competitive in the first several months. But, you should redirect yourself to the things that you want to achieve your goals.

The year’s first half may be successful for love, while the second half will provide abundance in life and career. As a bold fire sign, you don’t like to think much about your feelings. But, the year 2023 is about your emotions and dealing with them. The planet Venus is also about luxuries. So, be careful with managing your finances.

Fire Sign • honest, motivated, courageous, and competitive

Taurus (Bull): April 20 – May 20

The year 2023 is the best year for you to learn new things, start a new adventure, and meet new people. The first quarter of the year may be tough on you, but remember to avoid an aggressive attitude. As long as you maintain your optimistic mood, you will still be blessed with an abundance of success in major aspects of your life like love, career, and wealth.

We know you’re not a love chaser but can still feel sadness and grief sometimes. So, consider dating but control yourself from high expectations and getting attached too early. On the other hand, Taurus is a seeker of luxuries. Try to avoid major expenditures as it is predicted that you will face a financial crunch by the end of the year.

Earth Sign • reliable, patient, devoted

Gemini (Twins): May 21 – June 21

Free yourself from last year’s baggage, Gemini. This year will further bring out your natural curiosity and pushes you to pursue your goals, based on your philosophical ideals. You often overthink situations so try to keep a calm head and just do your best. The great news is coming your way!

You will be relieved from your troubles and sufferings in love but those with lovers may still expect misunderstandings along the way. The same goes for single people, and you might want to watch your words to avoid burning your chances in love. 2023 is also the year of gains and opportunities for you to increase your finances.

Air Sign • playful, curious, affectionate, adaptable

Cancer (Crab): June 22 – July 22

If things don’t go your way, don’t despair. It is the never-give-up spirit that you should embody to survive the year. You will struggle to build societal bonds, so you should focus on achieving greater things instead. Keep on crawling through the year with great perseverance like the zodiac crab!

Do you hear the wedding bells? Marriage proposals will likely succeed this year. Those trying to solve a relationship will encounter tensions, while singles should prefer to spend time with family and friends and avoid new commitments when they’re not ready. 2023 is also the year of piles of money for you, Cancer!

Water Sign • loyal, emotional

Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Change may be stagnant at the beginning of the year as you would feel a bit lazy. It’s totally okay. The lions deserve a break too, right? When you’re ready, take on new adventures even if you don’t achieve the expected success. As brave as the zodiac lion sounds, Leos are shy when it comes to love.

But, 2023 will amplify your desire to express and follow your heart. So, you can expect someone to catch your attention at work or within your circle. For those with lovers, be careful to not bring your past into this year’s picture. For finances, you should try budgeting your money and avoid spending beyond it.

Fire Sign • creative, warm-hearted, luxury-loving, ambitious

Virgo (Maiden): August 23 – September 22

Virgos are wise and may tend to reevaluate the past year to find things that worked and not. This year, you should be patient and avoid ignoring things that are more practical and rewarding. Your horoscope predicts that you will seek long-lasting and mature relationships.

For engaged couples, July and August are the best months to wed. If you have a lover, avoid dwelling on past mistakes to prevent pointless arguments. Also, unfortunately, don’t expect much gains this year. Your finances will still depend on how hard you work.

Earth Sign • logical, systematic, hardworking

Libra (Balance Scales): September 23 – October 23

It will be a fruitful year professionally, but you will be tested at the beginning of 2023. Expect problems in work and finances but it is important to not lose hope and take advantage of your Libran charm and intellect. Libras with lovers may experience a peaceful relationship this year.

If you’re having conflicts, it is time to sort them out in the first half of 2023. More likely, single Libras won’t be single anymore! You will be lucky enough to meet or reconcile with a special someone. Just make sure to control your mood swings and be optimistic. A bumpy road toward great things is waiting. Are you ready, Libras?

Air Sign • friendly, cooperative, charming

Scorpio (Scorpion): October 24 – November 21

This year, Scorpios will tend to change perceptions about certain things in life. It might be marriage plans or a change of career. Scorpios who just got into a relationship will understand each other better, while married people will witness each other’s supportive sides and greater respect.

For single people, it will be hard to find a suitable partner as you often feel uncomfortable making conversations. It’s time to keep practicing your social (and flirting) skills! The first quarter of 2023 may also test your finances a little, but you are generally lucky in money this year.

Water Sign • emotional, resourceful, enigmatic, secretive

Sagittarius (Archer): November 22 – December 21

Your fate will depend on how you can bring your optimism all throughout the year. The result will then reflect on your career and finances. So, your horoscope predicts a good year for those government job seekers. Also, it is still important to be cautious about spending and investing money in 2023.

For your wedding plans, the best time to tie the knot is at the end of the year. But if you’re still in the love inquiry phase, you won’t regret trying and meeting new love bonds this year. Aside from that, your social circle will be colorful too. Even so, remain patient and control your anger. For those in the difficult phase, you can expect healing and relief in the first quarter.

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Fire Sign • optimistic, hilarious, smart

Capricorn (Goat): December 22 – January 19

Capricorns have a habit of minding their own business, but you should try to change this a little to avoid trouble. If you express yourself more, people will understand you better and you will get what you’ve always needed from them. So, it is better to confront or confess any issues in the first half of the year.

Capricorns with lovers may experience disagreements, and those ones dating may have to face big decisions in their relationship, so have a word with your partner. If you’re single, your future lover is on the way! But again, you should be clear with your intention and demands. After all, communication is the key. Lastly, good wealth and fortune may welcome you in the third quarter.

Earth Sign • overachiever, sensitive, disciplined

Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20 – February 18

There are some situations that will force you to become stronger, like financial difficulties or failure. But expect that you will live with contentment ahead of the year. There are traps in every step but remember you’re a rebel, Aquarius. So, do things your way and show your best version.

Single ones would face delays in finding a chance at love. Those with a lover may encounter problems for most of the year, like the involvement of a third person. Despite the ups and downs you may face, remain calm and sane. In finances, you should be in the right state of mind before involving money.

Air Sign • original, Intellectual, Independent

Pisces (Fish): February 19 – March 20

This year is the time for you to sit back, figure things out, and plan everything accordingly. Hardships and challenges will come in the way of your love life. But you’re a fighter, Pisces, and there’s nothing you can’t overcome. Those with a lover will remain in love.

Meanwhile, some can plan trips to build or mend connections with their special someone. You may want to avoid involving money in things to prevent loss. But fortunately, money will flow into your hands even more than in the past year.

Water Sign • Compassionate, Emotional, Artistic, Gentle

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