Realization: Being a Service Crew Improved my Self-Confidence

Working while studying was probably the wisest decision I have made as an adult. While others are busy looking for academic and extracurricular organizations, I, on the other hand, was looking for a job. Eventually, I was lucky enough to become a service crew.
Years have passed and I am a fourth-year college student now. As I look back, I saw how being a service crew gave me that extra confidence boost that I needed to survive life and its adversities.
As a Service Crew, I Met People from All Walks of Life
Being a service crew for three years, I met thousands of people I helped in one way or another. In some instances, I was able to talk to them while taking their orders from behind the counter. I become acquainted with a variety of individuals and took note of their usual orders. Moreover, I have probably made their day a little better at least once in a while.

With these encounters, I have learned how to face different kinds of people. I learned that each and every one of us has our own unique ways of interacting in a situation. Though I never saw it coming, the people I have helped have also helped me in one way or another.
Being a Crew Enhanced my Problem Solving Skills
It is inevitable to avoid conflicts considering the nature of my job. Sometimes, a customer’s request was not followed, a wrong product was given to them, or they are just having a bad day in general. When situations like these arise, a service crew is ordered to handle things very calmly.

In order to avoid worsening the problem, we are taught to be systematic and sensible. Our superiors always make us remember that even though we are right, it will not help our case if we utilize the chaotic method. As a communication major, I must say that the theories I have learned from school are practiced in my workplace on a daily. And for that, I feel that I was one of the luckiest students out there!
I Found Relationships That Matter
One of the things I realize is that I needed to be surrounded by people who believe in my potential. In order to grow, a person should have constant support and push from people who truly care for them. While working as a service crew, I was able to find people who will be that to me.

I met my ates and kuyas who believed and supported me nonstop as I worked in the morning and studied in the afternoon until night. When a person has what I have, they can conquer all the sleepless nights and all the hardest sacrifices, and gain this unstoppable love for themselves.
With all of what I have experienced as a service crew, I never knew that I would be fortunate enough to gain a golden prize. This self-confidence that I have at present is unswayable. I attained it through hard work and years of sacrifice. Admittedly, it is something that I will strive to never part with.

Aside from being a self-proclaimed caffeine-dependent person, Franchesca believes that she is a writer too. Because of her desire to escape mundanity, most of her time is spent in her bed watching TV series or her nose in a book. Additionally, she can be found wandering the streets, museums, and theaters of Manila. When asked about her philosophy in life, she will answer, “God is a woman, and my lola is the proof!”