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Toyota PH President Atsuhiro Okamoto commutes to understand struggles of a Filipino commuter

Toyota PH President Atsuhiro Okamoto commutes to understand struggles of a Filipino commuter

Just in case people still don’t know (or even understand), there is a traffic crisis here in the Philippines. Most commuters have to set at least three to four hours to go to work or school. It’s the same thing when they have to go home- another set of three to four hours. So, let’s admit that it’s hard to commute in the Metro. Toyota Philippines President Atsuhiro Okamoto even said so!

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

Toyota PH President commutes to understand struggles of a Filipino commuter.

In a Facebook post, Okamoto also shared that he decided to understand the struggles of a Filipino commuter. He, then, tried every modes of transportation: a bus, the MRT, a jeep, a UV and even a tricycle. It also looked like he learned a lot from the experience that he vowed that the company will help upgrade the quality of life in the country.

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook


“During my first week in the Philippines, I decided to do “Genchi Genbutsu,” or to “Go and See” the daily struggles of Filipino commuters. I rode a bus, took a round trip of the MRT, rode the jeepney, queued for a long time to ride the UV Express, and lastly, took a tricycle ride to Tondo! For me, it’s a good learning experience.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

“I realize that unlike Japan or Singapore, the Philippines’ current mass transport system is not enough to accommodate the huge number of daily commuters. I would like Toyota to take part in this big challenge to upgrade the quality of life for many Filipinos.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

Netizens comment on Toyota PH President’s commuting experience.

The post gained a lot of attention ever since its posting with more than 20-thousand reacts, a thousand comments and more than 11-thousand shares. Some netizens left their insights in the comments section. They also let the President know their amazement in his willingness to commute in the country.

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

“Welcome to the Philippines and thank you for taking time to see up close what Filipino commuters go through on a daily basis. With your help and your company’s help, we hope to see a lasting solution to our nation’s virtually non-existent (compared to Japan) public transport system.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

“We need…
1. Massive railway system like in hong kong
2. Taxi services should be owned by government for better regulation
3. Ride hailing apps allowed but still use the vehicles provided by governement/ government approved drivers
4. Jeepneys should be modernized…made to follow specific amount of people in each ride/ follow a route schedule and must have jeepney stops just like bus stops
5. Electronic card system for travel should be streamlined… there too many e-card and cashless services… such services should be cut down into only 2 or 3 and should be accepted by all transport systems and most establishments.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

“You Sir have done what many politicians will never do. You are courageous and brave enough to experience a sample of the daily challenges in commuting in Manila. Unlike most politicians who are just big in words but in reality they dont have the slightest idea about commuting. I hope your initiative will bring much needed improvements in the public transport system.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

“One of problem is there are too many private vehicles in the Philippines. Cars are so affordable that a single family can own at least two cars, and both cars are almost used daily. Too many cars cause traffic, that cause transport cars too long to travel from point to point, that makes people to fall in line.
Plus, some Filipino drivers has a huge problem about discipline.”

Photo Courtesy from TMP President’s Office / Hiro Okamoto | Facebook

What do you think of Toyota PH President Atsuhiro Okamoto’s move? Let us know what you think on the comments section below.

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