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Gentle Guide: How to not gender-stereotype someone

Gentle Guide: How to not gender-stereotype someone

Gender equality is an important topic in society. Hence, as part of its aspect, gender stereotyping has evolved to be a sensitive cause.

In some countries like the Philippines, non-binary gender identities are tolerated, but not accepted. So for advocates, allies, and members of the LGBTQ+ community themselves, the fight remains tough and long.

Although it’s a whole effort to understand the battle, there is no exception to helping out waving the rainbow flag!


Stereotypes exist in many forms. And when talking about gender, we mean to say the generalized perception of one’s attributes, whether male or female. For such reason that it hinders one’s right to develop decisions and make personal choices, it is so wrong.

That being said, here are simple things you can do to break the stigma:

Rid of your ideals


Pink is for women, and men do not cry? Not only is that old-fashioned, but it screams a corrupt mindset you should eliminate!

One’s subjective conception of what is feminine and masculine should not be the standard for someone else. Remember, our particular liking does not necessarily equate to whom we identify ourselves as.

So if you want to avoid gender stereotyping, start by liberating your way of thinking.

Take note that gender is fluid

PHOTO COURTESY: humanengineers.com

Such as our style preference shifts over time, or our favorite food may vary depending on the season, gender changes too! It is not weird, and completely normal for anyone to decide their identity based on how they see it fit.

Keeping this in mind will make you warier. Moreover, being perceptive of this concept will assist you in discarding thoughts that may lead to gender stereotyping.

Choose to not ask someone their gender

PHOTO COURTESY: Aiste Stancikatie via time.com

Are you gay?” “Do you like girls than boys?” are common statements of gender stereotypes.

Perhaps you’ve asked someone these questions before to be clear with them. Yet to be frank, while there is no harm in wanting the truth, it is still not a good practice. Asking so you can give yourself peace in exchange for someone’s discomfort is selfish.

When you throw questions like these, some people may not be offended but think about how you can put others in a tight spot. Coming out is a rough process, sometimes even painful. Be decent enough to respect that certain things are not said for a reason.

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Just treat humans the humane way


Finally, the shortcut to the long discourse of stereotyping gender is understanding this core concept— that the key in everything is to treat people equally like humans. No more, no less.

The fight for equality exists because there are prejudice and injustice surrounding LGBTQ+ members. For only pursuing their right to show their true selves, they were discriminated against and deprived of their fair place in society.

Just be humane, accepting, and ethical.

A better place to raise our flag

While criminals are given a second chance, and rich ex-convicts can reclaim power, even status; who are we to deny else’s right to be free when our society is neither a court nor a circus for politics?

A line from SB19s “What?” says, “Bawat banat, iwagayway mo’ng watawat!”

And I hope we can live up to this song’s verse. That regardless of the color of our flags, we should stand proud, never falter. To come out is not a crime we should be ashamed of.

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