Perks of living with your partner before marriage

In a religious country like ours, living together without first marrying your partner is frowned upon. I don’t believe Filipinos consider cohabitation to be a positive thing, however shared living quarters are only one aspect of cohabitation.
A hopefully open and accepting era is beginning to emerge. When a couple decides to live together, they are making a living arrangement and commitment to one another. Among the benefits of living together, the following stand out:
Deeper connection

Living together is not something anyone should take lightly. It has the power to make or break a relationship. It’s one thing to get ready for the day, and quite another to go out on a date. However, when you cohabit, you are preparing for a long-term relationship, and your routine may change. Having your partner with you every day can be exhausting for some, but a blessing for others.
Cohabiting prior to getting married can help you determine whether both are compatible with one another. You can learn more about your partner’s lifestyle, routines, expectations, and peculiarities. Additionally, you can use practical measures like cooking together or learning what foods the other person dislikes to determine how well you two get along in real life scenarios.
Even doing the dishes with someone you enjoy their company can be enjoyable. Having your own space together means performing home maintenance; this includes fixing broken or leaking appliances as well as taking care of any plants or animals you may have. You would get to know the person you are in love with and how much they can actually provide for a comfortable life together by sharing responsibilities. When your lifestyles align, this can undoubtedly lead to a deeper connection.

Let’s talk about how the cost of living nowadays is off the roofs. Moving in together even before marriage plans are on the table is practical if both partners are dependable and committed. Wanting more of your partner every day is not unusual because cohabitation is typically approved when the couple has an intimate relationship.
Being a household of two makes it much simpler to divide the financial responsibilities. Life is more affordable when rent is shared, as well as other living expenses like utility bills. Additionally, when you have someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, saving for a down payment on a house, lot, or car suddenly seems much more feasible.
Sexual Lifestyle

Living together will make your sexual life and romantic habits more similar to marriage. You may have more fun together when you are under the same roof. However, it could also spice down the excitement.
People can tend to make less effort to something always accessible. Living together would entail more obligations than simply seeing each other and going on dates. You no longer have your own personal bubble to navigate, but you’d also spend a lot more time with your partner in the comforts of your own home, and you’d be in the honeymoon phase when cohabiting.
Not everyone believes in marriage

Moving in with your partner because you or your lover doesn’t believe in marriage, is something we should consider normal now in this new era. Some people believe that marriage is merely a legal contract, and that even without one, a couple can begin their own family or already be one.
Failed relationship is better than divorce

I am aware that divorce is not legal in the Philippines, a policy I strongly oppose. However, the reality is that divorce rates are high overall, as we have already witnessed. Everyone ought to be able to choose to move on and let go of traumatic experiences.
Even if you love someone, you might not get along with them if they live with you. And learning that after getting married might be a deal-breaker. Your desire for marriage should be sincere, taking into account how you will live your life with your significant other.
Some couples discover after moving in together that they are actually not a good match. Additionally, there wouldn’t be a divorce attorney or court involved. In the end, ending a failed relationship is simpler than ending a failed marriage.

With all the problems that can arise in a serious relationship, some people would prefer to just try it out before committing to marriage. Being in a serious relationship is not easy; you could be happy and in love one minute and then arguing the next. In actuality, there is no assurance that choosing to cohabitate before getting married will result in a happy union or an ideal marriage afterward.
Whether you test your relationship for years before getting married or have made the decision to get married rather than live together, the quality of your cohabitation or, more importantly, marriage will still depend on the two of you. In order for a relationship to succeed, both partners must be respectful of one another, be willing to compromise, accept responsibility for their actions, and, of course, stay in love with one another.

Marriage is a beautiful thing, and even if some people do not believe in it, everyone should respect a couple’s lifelong commitment. Living together alone is admirable even without a contract to fulfill. You just have to find someone worth committing to, which is the difficult part.

Joyce Margaux is a driven journalism student looking to improve her writing abilities and become a better version of herself. When it comes to duties being completed, she values time management and consistency. She considers herself as a responsible and orderly person that yearns to live the best life