Importance of Suffrage: Being the Voice of the Nation

Suffrage is our right to vote, and we vote to shape the world we live in, guided by our morals. Change begins after the elections, determined by who wins—based on the choice of the majority, that’s democracy.
With this right, comes the responsibility to choose the rightful candidates for our nation.
Importance of Suffrage: Being the Voice of the Nation
By the time you reach 18, you are eligible to vote in national elections. The Republic Act No. 8189, Section 9, grants the right to vote to all Filipino citizens aged 18 and above.
This right empowers us to shape the world around us. That’s why it’s crucial to know the candidates. Study their agendas and platforms to decide which ones align with your goals and values.
A Single Vote Does Not Equate To Insignificance

Some people believe their single vote is insignificant, leading many to choose not to vote. While one vote might seem small, the collective power of all those ‘single votes’ can create a significant impact. When we come together, our votes can elect the right leaders and shape the future we want.
But what if we’re outnumbered and our chosen candidate isn’t elected? That’s the reality of democracy and suffrage— it means that everyone has the right to vote, so we might not always have the majority.
However, even if our candidate doesn’t win, participating in the process ensures our voices are heard and helps shape the direction of society. We can still offer our criticisms and choose to engage in activism, as that is our right as citizens. No administration is without flaws, which is why criticism is an integral part of citizenship—it helps the government better serve the needs of the public.
And since we’re discussing our rights and responsibilities as citizens, let me remind you that it’s also our job to do our own research and support our chosen candidates by sharing their platforms before election day.
Acquiring Knowledge Towards Choosing A Better Candidate
As Filipino citizens, it’s our responsibility to learn about the candidates. We must examine their qualifications, credentials, and contributions to the country to determine if they are fit to lead.
Additionally, sharing the plans you believe will benefit the public can influence other voters to make informed decisions. It’s important to use the platforms available to us to help our candidates promote their agendas. So, whenever you have the chance to influence and enlighten others, take that opportunity to educate them.
After all, we all share a common goal for our country: to provide a better future for the next generation. Beyond shaping the future, we can also impart our own values, helping them choose the right candidate when their time to vote comes.
Being a voter and the voice of the nation is more than just shading the ballot; it’s about bearing the responsibility of changing the country. It takes wisdom to learn, re-learn, and enlighten others so we can all embrace the choice of the majority. As someone who practices suffrage, remember that we should all choose with wisdom, honesty, principle, and love for the country. Our moral compass is reflected in who we vote for and why we choose them. Now, it’s time to put our morality into action by choosing wisely.

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.