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Lessons I Learned as a Broadcasting Student

Lessons I Learned as a Broadcasting Student

As a Broadcasting student, my 4-year journey in college was a series of ups and downs. I’ve had my fair share of happy, fun memories and unfortunate ones. The latter taught me several lessons that I think would also help you once you go to college.

Here are some important lessons I learned as a Broadcasting student.

Confidence is key.

As a media student, Broadcasting, in particular, confidence is key. With countless recitations, reporting, class activities, and projects, you really need a bag full of confidence and guts. After all, you will need it too once you graduate.

Do well in your internship.

Internship is one of the most exciting parts of college. You can apply to different media companies, whether it’s radio, TV, or online magazine and websites. Once you have decided where to work, you have to do well in your performance. This way, you can have a chance to be absorbed into the company once you graduate.

Expand your network.

You can join different organizations to build connections and expand your network. Be sure to join organizations that you truly like and not just for the sake of having one.

Choose your friends wisely.

Having friends in school can make your college life bearable. They contribute to the fun and exciting moments in your entire journey in college. Plus they can be your additional support system.

That is why you have to choose your friends wisely. Because as much as you want many friends in your circle, you need to keep those with the same drive and wavelength as yours.

In studying Broadcasting, you have to manage your time well.

You might get overwhelmed with the amount of school works while you’re in college. From normal activities, and thesis, to your internship, it requires a lot of your time, effort, and hard work. 

So, in order for you to finish all of it, you need to manage your time well. Also, you have to find ways to work efficiently.

I may not always remember the lessons that were taught by our professors, but one thing is for sure, I have a bunch of important life lessons that I can bring once I step out into the ~real~ world.

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