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I Just Turned 23: I Should be This and That

I Just Turned 23: I Should be This and That

I just turned 23 on the 14th of February. That’s right, on Valentine’s Day. You know what this means right? I’m part of what we Filipino’s call the February offspring: “kulang-kulang”.

Here I am, kind of proving this, far from achieving my goals. But who says you have to have everything figured out by the time you turn 23? Society tells us that we should be a certain way at a certain age, but screw that. I’m doing things my way.

Photo by Joshua Punzal

Pandemic Strikes My Studies

Let’s backtrack on how the pandemic struck and stopped me from reaching my goals. It put a pause on my studies and forced me to take a break for a year to afford the living expenses. It’s been a tough journey, but I learned to make the best out of a difficult situation. I started working and going to school at the same time, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. It’s kind of a torture but I’m making the most out of it. Learning about two different things every day is both challenging and exciting. It’s like getting hit with two hammers at the same time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Remapping My Life

My partner and I decided to start a piercing business and thankfully, it has been successful so far. However, we’re now at a point where we need to push ourselves further in order to achieve more financial stability. Although the business is sustaining us, we’re still not where we want to be in terms of financial stability. That’s why we’re looking for ways to grow the business and explore new opportunities.

Photo by Joshua Punzal

My Valentine

Since our lives had been intense thus far, we decided to celebrate my birthday, which is also our anniversary in peace and simplicity. We drove to a charming location far outside town. We had a nice dinner together and then went to a photo studio to capture some memories. Our party was low-key, enjoyable, and focused on being together. There are no grand gestures or cliché surprises, just a peaceful celebration of our love and another year of life.

Graduation, Here I Come?

This year, I’m hoping for things to get better. I’m hoping to graduate on time. Because if not, hello to my 6th year in college. It’s time for me to turn my dreams into reality and make things happen. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m getting there. I’m not this and that, but I’m working on it. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying. Nearing 23, I’m just trying to be the best version of myself and make the most out of what I have.

So, as a days-old-23, I’m comfortable with not having everything figured out. I’m doing things my way, and I’m happy with that. Since you are now already bored as hell, might as well end this with a cringe line to top this off. The journey is what makes life interesting, not the destination.

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