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“Send Foods” — PUP Sintang Pusa

“Send Foods” — PUP Sintang Pusa

Inside the campus of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, it’s impossible you wouldn’t see a cat roaming around, as if they are one of the scholars. While eating at Lagoon, it’s an ordinary sight to see them sleeping at the table, unbothered by people’s noise.

PUP Sintang Pusa — Send foods

Although there’s no one who really owns them, they are still well fed by concerned individuals. However, the pandemic hits which brought huge changes not only to the students but also to PUP Sintang Pusa.

Photo from: PUP Sintang Pusa on Facebook

Fortunately, a Facebook group with the same name was created for the cats of PUP. The volunteers are mostly composed of faculties, employees, alumni, and students. They are dedicated to monitoring and feeding these furbabies, along with getting them treated at the vet.

Despite their efforts to help the Sintang Pusa, they still need us to continue this initiative. Through their Facebook page, they are seeking cash or in-kind donations to support the campus cats.  In case you have some extra, you might want to consider giving to this organization. For sure, any amount will go a long way for these innocent creatures. 

Photo from: PUP Sintang Pusa on Facebook

It’s nice how such a simple act can translate into love. If you are willing to donate, you may reach them via private message on Facebook: m.me/PUPSintangPusa. It won’t only make their tummy happy but it will also fill your heart with joy.

See Also

Cats of BGC — Adopt a cat

Also, If you’re a cat lover, you might have heard about Cats of BGC. It is a volunteer-led organization that takes care of stray cats in Bonifacio Global City. Their efforts didn’t end with feeding these babies as they also have them vaccinated, spayed, and neutered.

Even though BGC is a high-end business district, it’s still hard to guarantee their safety unless they are in their forever home. That’s why this group also manages the fostering and adoption of these community cats. Pictures and information of those that are up for adoption are on their website.

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