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9 gender-defying fashion tips from male P-Pop idols

9 gender-defying fashion tips from male P-Pop idols


For prominent figures like idols, fashion is not only a statement on the surface. Instead, it is also a pivotal aspect that inspires those who admire them. Hence, the message one can send through what they wear is much more significant than we could have ever thought.

While swelling popularity finds Filipino P-Pop idols, they promote various trends and customs in return. And when it comes to fashion, they went from encouraging confidence to breaking gender norms.

Whether they only followed the vogue or it is something they started from scratch, the purpose is all that matters. Get ready to take norm-defying and other fashion tips to heart as inspired by your favorite Filipino male P-Pop idols:

Brag a bag

Photo from: BGYO Nate (@bgyo_nate) on Instagram

More often than not, bags are associated with the feminine style. But clearly, it is not! Learn from BGYO Nate when we say that bags have the highest potential to bring your OOTD (outfit of the day) to another level.

Beat it with a beret

Photo from: VXON Franz (@frnzchuaa) on Instagram

Have you ever wanted to pull off a new look but are afraid of doing so? Then, it’s time to let your fear go. Like VXON Franz here, sometimes we need to explore possibilities to expand our fashion options.

Don’t skip the skirt!

Photo from: @idasiasoco on Twitter

Masculine conceptions are not necessarily a thing in how one dresses― so do our feminine ideals. For example, SB19 Ken proves that a man wearing a women’s skirt does not really make much difference but impact.

Hat got you

Photo from: PHP JP (@jpshie) on Instagram

Hair is said to be our crowning glory, but there are just those bad days. If you find yourself in a struggle because of your hairdo, let PHP JP remind you that hats exist for a reason. They are handy and effortlessly do the trick.

Hop in, show skin!

Photo from: VXON C13 (@c13vxon) on Instagram

We are certainly in the era meant to shatter toxic conventional thinking. To be more particular, the double standard in conservatism. Thus, take after VXON C13 as he embodies taking pride in our body and skin! Fashion is an expression. Remember that.

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No mess with a mesh

Photo from: Josh Cullen Santos on Facebook

Want to keep it a little conservative but still sultry at the same time? Perhaps, what you are looking for is a mesh. SB19 Josh, on multiple occasions, can attest that wearing this clothing piece is one of the best ways to showcase your physique.

Of specs and spice

Photo from: ALAMAT Tomas (@alamat.tomas) on Instagram

Fashion is also about showing the other sides of your personality. If ever you intend to do that but run out of selections, try wearing glasses! If ALAMAT Tomas looked good in it, then why can’t you?

Pearl gives it a swirl

Photo from: BGYO on Facebook

Be it formal or casual attire, pearl accessories are unmatched for achieving elegance despite their simplicity. But can only girls wear pearls? Well, for BGYO Mikki, that is definitely not the case.

Outwit with a retrofit

Photo from: VXON Sam (@samcafranca) on Instagram

Sometimes, it takes a redoing of our entire getup to find that missing glamor― or so we thought. VXON Sam justifies that a minor addition of accessories here and there can make a savor twist to your bland issues.

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