Shake It Off: The beauty of being ‘naturally unbothered’
We all know that hate, judgments, and negativities already become a part of our life because it keeps the balance. We cannot stop those criticisms because we are dealing with people. In contrast to that, it’s up to you on how are you going to react to those things. They will always have something to say about your life, your body, and everything that people could comment on. However, being unbothered would become one of the most effective ways to combat those negative things.
Shake It Off: The beauty of being ‘naturally unbothered’
Women are usually the ones being victimized by those criticisms for being in a certain industry. However, most of them use those criticisms as their driving force to be more progressive in their advocacies and confidence. According to the Woman of the Decade, Taylor Swift during her speech for the Billboard: Women in Music:
“-And no matter what else enters the conversation, we will always bring it back to music. And as for me, lately I’ve been focusing less on doing what they say I can’t do and more on doing whatever the hell I want.”
This certain part of her speech perfectly depicts the state being unbothered that we all wanted. To add to this, this is our life, to begin with. Not minding those negativities and focusing on what you can do saves up more time than dealing with them. I guess we can all agree that everyone has imperfections. With that being said, it doesn’t mean that you cannot be better.
No matter how much people try to pick on you, always find a way to improve yourself every day. It’s just a matter of choice on how are you going to react. You may take those constructive criticisms and use them for your own benefit. Then leave those unnecessary comments that won’t add any value to your life.
Why is it beautiful to stay unbothered?
Simple as may sound, because you have your whole life that is intended to have continuous learning. And, people will always have something to say about you whether you did what they wanted or did what you wanted. So, it’s better to do things according to what will make you happy. The beauty of being unbothered gives you more time to focus on your lapses and working on them. Another beautiful thing about it is that you can make yourself happy by doing the things that you love as long as you don’t rain on anyone else’s parade – just like what they’re doing.
In any way, you can always choose to shake those off and continue improving yourself.
Your life is not a multiplayer game, so enjoy navigating your own game. Stay unbothered and be the best version of yourself!
Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.