Little Miss Moving On: How to Really Forget About Your Ex

Moving on from someone with who you thought you’d spend your whole life is difficult. As a matter of fact, difficult would be an understatement but let’s not fall down that rabbit hole of emotions for today’s video.
Today is about facing what’s ahead straight on, here are a few extremely helpful tips to get you to move on.
Cut the rope

Cut ties. That’s it, no ifs and buts. Even if you and your ex are on good terms, keeping in touch will only delay your healing process. How can you move past it if you’re not physically detaching yourself?
DO NOT: Rudely leave them on read or inbox them. Keeping your answers casual with a hint of disinterest will do. They should be able to take the hint.
It’s giving off-brand Sherlock Holmes, stop it.

After the relationship’s fallout, it can be challenging not to keep tabs.
It is understandable that you want to see what’s up with your ex when you used to know what they’re up to every minute of every day. Keeping tabs is the same as staying in touch, stop it!
It also won’t do you any good to overanalyze everything your ex posts or shares.
That’s not me, that’s Patricia

Self-image issues are quite common when moving on. Especially if you’re coming out of a relationship that lasted long. Belonging to that person is one sure thing you identify yourself with.
You have to acknowledge that you are no longer serving the role of a partner. You’re done offering love for someone else (for now) now it’s time to give it to yourself.
You still keep photos of your ex?
That is so cringe — Guilty

Deleting pictures of you with your ex while you’re moving on might take a significant amount of time, and we understand. It’s like deleting proof that you were once loved and cherished, but let me tell you this. It will happen again.
Don’t cling to that one album at the bottom of your gallery and trash those photos already. The same goes for stuff your ex gave you, dump it, bury it, throw it at sea. Whatever will make you feel like it’s a monumental thing to get rid of them. Just have it gone.
Mark the chapter, turn the page

Everything Maria creates is an honest and sincere expression of who she is. She decorates her free time making things that are close to her heart, like poetry and music. She has a knack for public speaking but prefers to write everything down instead. Because spoken words are fleeting, written ones can outlive us all.