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Spending less is also self-love, here’s why

Spending less is also self-love, here’s why

Many were conditioned that self-love has to be spending your money on overly priced products but self-love doesn’t have to be expensive. However, some of us believed that expressing our love for ourselves should be parallel to what others do.

It’s so fast to believe and be influenced by what social media is feeding us about self-love. Although I do not erase the fact that treating yourself in a salon, skin clinic, or even buying high-end products is also a form of it as long as your budget allows it. But, I discovered that there’s another way to celebrate yourself. You won’t believe me, but spending less is also a manifestation of self-love here’s why,

It keeps you from being materialistic

The goal of self-love is to stay on top of your mental health game. So, a psychologist explained that materialist people lead unhappier lives according to a study. The reason being is that social media amplify our materialistic attitude. So, we crave things we thought we deserve but actually, we don’t even need them. This kind of attitude is fostered through social media so beware. We don’t want to be at a point where we need to catch up with trends.

Don’t get me wrong, ladies and gentlemen! Who doesn’t want to have that certain, trendy clothes? or accessories? What I’m avoiding here is our dependence on things that make us happy for a while but sadly don’t last. Again, self-love should be cultivated inside so that we can manifest it in a more healthier and meaningful ways.

It focuses you on what is truly important

In times of crisis, especially during the pandemic, it is undeniable to experience mental tension. So, remembering ourselves is really important. You see, taking care of our mental and overall well-being is something we need to focus on. Why is that? Because knowing, loving, and taking care of ourselves establishes our relationship with other people; how we treat them, how we value them, and how we understand them reflects our love for ourselves.

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Practicing self-love is truly great and if you don’t know where to start, there are low-cost ideas that you can apply to yourself. These are the following things that I personally do to stay focused that don’t come at a high price:

  • Read your Bible
  • Practice kind and positive words to yourself
  • Take care of what you eat
  • Engage in any physical exercises
  • Give importance to your sleep routines
  • Investing in yourself through studying your passion
  • Talk with your family and friends

See, it doesn’t have to be expensive, and spending less doesn’t mean you’re taking away the joy you deserve. There are tons of things/ideas that you can think of to prioritize your mental and overall wellness. As long as it’s keeping you on track, do it but in moderation. Don’t let anyone steal that confidence you build for yourself. If you want to start loving your self start now! You can follow the tasks I do but you can also check this list of little ways to take care of your mental health.

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