Glimpse of LOONA and their universe

From years of work, KPop girl group LOONA (이달의 소녀) has been steady with their high-class performances and out of this world concepts since debut. Unfortunately, recent issues and lawsuits involving the members and their company BlockBerry Creative (BBC) have stirred up their harmonious universe.
Despite that, Orbits (the group’s official fandom), has their unwavering support to each member and their music even they had to go against the group’s company. And continued to catch the attention of the public because of the dedication they have for LOONA. With that, let’s take a quick glance of the group they stand for.

Glimpse of LOONA and LOONAniverse
이달의 소녀, in literal translation “Girl of the Month”, is initially a 12-piece act that started back in 2016. One by one, the members were introduced to the world uniquely from one another. The English name itself is a wordplay worth the awe. Notice the first Hangul letter (Korean; 한글 Korean Alphabet) of each syllable, then make some little twists and turns here and there. And it will give you characters that read ‘LOONA’.

The Girls and their Teams
The members were revealed 1 by 1 with solo songs and MVs starting from the first girl Heejin to the last member Hyeju while forming subunits (smaller groups) in the process. The whole debut process lasted for two years with the group coming together for their first track as a 12-member band in ‘Hi High’.
The subunits or ‘teams’ play a big role in the whole of the story. Namely LOONA ⅓, ODD EYE CIRCLE (OEC), and yyxy (y, y by y) that you’ll notice with each team’s MVs. When each member carries their own distinct traits and ‘powers’ and a whole vision while showcasing the girls talents and passion. Compared to the culture where groups debut as one, then members try to do solos after some time, LOONA took an experimental artistic path that challenged the KPop norms.
Unfortunately, one of LOONA’s members: Chuu, was removed from the group by their company in November 2022. Fans have shown distaste with the decision of BBC of removing one of the group’s power vocals.

LOONAverse Story
Discussing the whole timeline might be time-consuming and we don’t want to risk missing a single detail, don’t we? Especially when you have a whole historical and artistic discography in front of you. However, here are some points to peek on before diving into the rabbit hole.

Their songs tackles from intrapersonal affairs, to relationships, to societal issues, about life in general. Traveling through genres, challenging musical spectrums with their unique voices and lyrics. Meanwhile, music videos (MV) are like episodes of a well-planned series. Each element is set to be where and when with predetermined and future purposes of the whole plot. Few things to take note of are the fruits, animals, setting, colors, and of course, the Moon. And the choreography, one of the group’s core strengths. To say they are exceptional is an understatement. Because the movements of 12 different people gracefully and synchronized make such impactful performances every time.
The subunits or ‘teams’ play a big role in the whole of the story. Namely LOONA ⅓, ODD EYE CIRCLE (OEC), and yyxy (y, y by y) that you’ll notice with each team’s MVs. When each member carries their own distinct traits and ‘powers’ and a whole vision while showcasing the girls talents and passion. Pouring exquisite artistry, a vision of unity, acceptance, love to their craft is a fine work. Amazingly, with all everything that is there is their distinct branding that is already carved in the history. All of these make the “LOONAverse”.
What will happen next?

It is uncertain of what the future holds for the girls with all the rough patches they are having on their idol journey. But fans expressed their desire to have a “complete” K-Pop girl group and be with their idols a little longer and better than the contracts. No fandom will ever be happy of losing one member from their favorite group. And with LOONA’s universe vs. their current situation, the question is what will happen next?

Carla is a struggling but trying writer. A student Journalist who is in the process of learning how to love herself. Madly enticed to different art forms especially literary, music, and visual arts. A very energetic and hyper EmoxKpop fangirl trying to pursue her passion and live life along with the words of her idols and her personal principles in life.