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Five subreddits you should join for wholesome content

Five subreddits you should join for wholesome content

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When I think about reddit, I think about how only a few people actually use it because of how dark this application gets. Common for harassments, bullies, invasion of privacy, toxic, and lame. Now remember everything you just read, then completely erase it! It’s just not it!

It’s a common misconception that people with dark humor are the only ones who use Reddit. The beauty of Reddit is that you get to pick which communities you engage with, and you are responsible for maintaining a positive environment.

a few subreddit comments

You are welcome to join these subreddits and share, ask questions, or simply support others. You never know, but perhaps by sharing or simply being present in the group, you can brighten someone else’s day and help them feel understood. I sincerely hope you will give Reddit a chance because just these recommendations, represent a foot of Reddit with hundreds of subreddits you could participate in.


wholesome subreddit page

Anything that made you smile can be shared on this subreddit. It could be a story from someone you know or someone you don’t know, it could be your own experience, it could be a post you saw. What matters is that it brings a smile to your face. In this community, you are free to share and discuss this, and there’s a good chance that doing so will bring a smile to someone else’s face as well. I recently watched a video of a proposal, and seeing the couple’s joy and sincerity in their love made me smile.

There are many different flairs on this subreddit, but my personal favorite is the “Personal Win” flair. I adore the wins—big or small—that people achieve and how appreciative they are to be alive. It makes me happy when I see people smile.


wholesome subreddit

Any positive experiences, no matter how small or significant, can be shared by anyone. As we get older, we tend to believe that as adults, we should do everything correctly because, after all, we’ve been through some difficult times. When five-year-olds behave properly and take small actions, we applaud them. Well, even as adults, we deserve to be acknowledged, especially when it comes to ourselves. Whether you are already an adult is irrelevant.

Making the bed once you wake up, cooking that dish you’ve been wanting to try, clearing the shower drain on your own, graduating from high school, avoiding toxic people in your life—all of these things are valid feelings to be proud of. The people in this neighborhood would congratulate you on even your smallest victories in life. The community here is so accepting even with your smallest victories in life, and they would congratulate you like your five!


As someone who enjoys writing about fiction, I find this subreddit to be amazing! No matter how good or bad you may think the prompts are, everyone here is very supportive of you. And everybody is so tolerant of criticism. They don’t just criticize your writing; instead, they offer helpful suggestions along with the parts they thought need improvement.

And if you ever want to practice your writing while also being open to suggestions, you can post here and welcome redditors’ feedback! In a world filled with the negativity of our creative minds, this community truly values the art of what one can imagine.


Have you ever been so self-conscious about how you look that you seek out strangers to compliment your physical features? Well, this is the subreddit for you! You can upload a photo of yourself holding up a note that says “r/toastme” as well as your username. People would give you a toast, boost your self-esteem, see the bigger you in the selfie, and support a fellow Redditor. It’s really lovely and uplifting.

See Also

People are able to set aside all the differences and undesirable attributes life has handed us. Even though you don’t have much in common and are strangers to one another, this community would only choose the positive.

The opposite of this subreddit exists on another site, “r/roastme” is a hilarious subreddit where users can comment on, and roast others based on the photos they voluntarily post. Really, it’s more humorous and fun than anything negative!


I grew up being too afraid to ask about certain things that might sound dumb, that’s why I always resort to keeping it within myself. That, I believe, sparked my interest in reading and researching. I enjoy adding knowledge that will benefit me, but it would have been nice to have someone directly answer my concerns instead.

I feel particularly sorry for young children whose questions about the world are so inquisitive that no one is prepared to answer them, but what more if you’re an adult who’s supposed to have the answers? Since no adult is an expert in everything, this subreddit is brilliant and perfect.

Some people grew up without parents or role models to guide them through life, and in this subreddit, you can ask anything you’re too afraid to ask in person. Be it a hobby you want to start, how to easily open a can of tuna, how to ask for and purchase this drink from Starbucks, dating issues, or life goals you want to achieve. There’s no judgment here, you can be as curious as you want, the appropriate people will comprehend and answer.

These online communities are incredibly friendly and welcoming, so throw the misconception about Reddit. Because what makes a subreddit wholesome is how you use it and how you interact with its users. It never ceases to amaze me how safe and uplifting people can be in a secure environment. We could really choose to be nice to one another, and I really want that.

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