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Will LDR Work? Here’s My Take

Will LDR Work? Here’s My Take

Long-distance relationship or LDR is, inarguably, tough. It separates a couple physically, limiting the things that they can do together. For a lot of couples, physical touch and quality time make up their love language, so LDR is an insufferable circumstance. Generally, being away from your loved one is just simply a grueling thing to face – but not impossible. Or is it?

Is LDR really survivable, or does having this situation essentially mean that your relationship is a goner already?

Here’s what I have to say about the entire fuss over LDR.

LDR: Will it Work? My Own Take

A long-distance relationship is a form of a couple’s situation wherein they have to be away from each other – and by away, I meant really far – due to some factors beyond their control. Be it because of work, moving residences, social factors, education, and whatnot.

Now, if this dynamic is doable or not depends solely on couple to couple. Some can withstand it, while others cannot. One person may be capable of not seeing their partner for a long time, while this could be a huge deal breaker to another. It is simply a matter of preference, perception of love, and romantic upbringing.

Is LDR survivable?

Personally, I believe LDR could work if it is something that happens only midway through the relationship and not by default. To elaborate, I have to get to know someone first in person and on a deeper level before we could switch to the LDR setup. I believe that LDR would be undoable if you are away from somebody right off the bat, and the only chance you get to know them is through phone screens. I just don’t think I’d be able to fully know them and fully love them if I haven’t seen their bits.

See Also

To each their own!

But, then again, that’s only me. Some people have succeeded with their long-distance relationships even if they have only seen each other through their phones all throughout. As much as I respect that, I just don’t think that’s for me.

Meanwhile, if LDR happens only amid a relationship, I am positive that I could survive it. This is because we already have a foundation as a couple and I’m willing to wait for my partner for a thousand years if that’s what it’d take to see him again.

Again, this reflection must be taken with a grain of salt because our preferences greatly vary from person to person. How about you, do you think LDR could work?

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