Unique things about Davao’s public transportation

While Davao is part of the Philippines, I think there is a lot about it that just makes it seem like it is a completely different country. Especially, with their public transportation. It is just unlike any other place in the Philippines.

Unique things about Davao’s public transportation
“Sa lugar lang!”

Also “lugar lang!” or shortened to “’gar lang!”
Instead of “para po,” passengers holler the phrase, “lugar lang,” to the driver to tell him to pull over. Lugar is Tagalog for place and lang is Tagalog for only. It does not make much sense when put together but apparently, it is a common Ilonggo phrase.
Jeepneys are built differently

My friends in Davao call them jeepneys but I call them L300 vans made to be a jeepney. They are about half the size of jeepneys you would usually see in Manila but are called jeepneys nonetheless.
Very few would have elaborate paint jobs on the exterior but they work the same as your typical jeepney except there is no conductor hanging and hollering outside the vehicle. They do have jeepneys similar in size to those in Manila but the smaller kind is more common.
No sabit-sabit

No one stands in fully-packed buses or hangs behind fully-packed jeepneys. This is true even during rush hour. It struck me as odd since in Manila every possible space that can be filled in a jeepney or a bus is filled. It seems to be a lot stricter in Davao. This may be due to police and military presence in many places within Davao.
Different kinds of tricycles in Davao
You can disagree with me but from what I have seen, there are at least three kinds of tricycles common in Davao.
The first and the simplest one is the padyak or pedicab. Padyak is a Tagalog term that means to bring down one’s foot with force. A padyak is a bicycle with a metal frame making up a passenger seat. The simpler ones just have a parasol and a metal frame with a seat. Although there are more elaborate ones with similar frames to a motorized tricycle.
The second kind of tricycle is a 4- to 6-passenger motorized tricycle. It is similar in shape and size to a 4-passenger tricycle you can find in Manila. However, it has two extra seats at the back to seat more people.

The last kind of tricycle I want to elaborate on here is the motorela. It looks like the hybrid of a jeepney and a tricycle. The driver is driving a motorcycle while the frame it is attached to has seats similar to that in a jeepney.
You can now travel in Davao with ease and surprise your friends with your knowledge about Davao’s public transportation.

All the way from Mindanao, Reimeline is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media Arts at UP Mindanao with hopes to be an accomplished writer one day. She is mainly a homebody who owns three pet cats and likes to crochet, read stories, play online games, and scroll the internet when she is not writing.