The Solace of Being Alone

People often equate being alone with being lonely. But, it’s actually two different things. As much as I love hanging out with my friends and family, I found solace when I’m alone. There are just moments in my life where I feel like it’s just me and the world. I wanted to do things on my own. And I feel like being an only child plays a significant role in how I perceive myself and the world that I’m in. I understand why other people fear being alone, but for me, it’s actually good and healthy that you spend some time with yourself.
Here’s the reason why I found comfort when I’m alone.

I’ve learned to know more about myself.
Growing up, I think we all experience an identity crisis. Because I, too, went to a stage where I was so confused about a lot of things. I’ve been questioning myself about my goals, dreams, and purpose. And whenever I’m alone, I’ve been discovering things that I didn’t think I can achieve and things that I really wanted to do. I’ve really learned more about myself.
I have my own time.
Honestly, I don’t really like whenever someone’s hurrying me. So, when I’m alone I get to do things at my own pace and time. When I run errands, I want to do it myself because I don’t have to worry about other people’s time.
I can think better.
It’s true that ‘two heads are better than one’ but for me, I can actually think better whenever I’m alone. Ideas are just everywhere. When I’m alone, it just helps me to focus on the things that I’m working on.
I can decide for myself.
It may be difficult for me to decide on things at some point, as simple as what color to choose for a bag is very hard for me; but it challenges me whenever I’m alone. However, I love the fact that no one influences my decisions when I’m alone. It’s like a big step towards becoming a real adult.
I appreciate silence.
In the midst of a busy, loud environment, I want to be alone to appreciate the silence. And through silence I can feel serenity. Yet, most people take silence for granted. I love how being alone gives me that peace of mind.
I develop my intrapersonal skills.
When I’m alone, I can connect to myself better. I feel closer about myself. I can understand and manage my emotions well. It helps me establish my skills that I can use in my relationships with others. I think that being able to spend some time with yourself, gives you that self-assurance, thus making you feel more confident about yourself.
Despite how people feel about the concept of being alone, I feel the comfort whenever I get the chance to do things on my own. It gives me that sense of responsibility, self-awareness, and confidence that I believe is important in this journey called – life.

Erika loves her time being alone but equally enjoy working as part of a team. As a writer, she always wants to have a draft first and then just rewrite everything once it's done and finalized. She is quite outspoken and prefer reading texts out loud. Her favorite things include watching rom-com films/shows, eating sweets, and singing.