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The Reason Why I Prefer Horror Over Romance Movies

The Reason Why I Prefer Horror Over Romance Movies

If you have some free time, watching movies is the best thing to do. People have various preferences in movies. Some enjoy comedy, drama, action, science fiction, adventure, and other genres. Furthermore, while most people enjoy romance, I prefer watching horror.

Why I love horror movies

The plots of horror films are unexpected. In comparison to romance, some have the same plot, such as someone special dying at the end, having mistresses, losing their memory, and so on. On the other hand, the ending of a horror film is a mystery to everyone. What happens next? Who is the murderer or the culprit? 

Watching horror gives me the chills and thrills more than other genres. It is also easier to build emotions in this kind of genre than in romance. They say men prefer horror and women prefer romance, but I believe we choose movies based on the story itself. Some people may enjoy romance because they have seen or watched a good romance film, the same as those who enjoy horror.


Furthermore, I prefer horror because I want to see something unique. Locations in a horror film are always dark and gloomy, such as a cemetery, scary houses, tunnels, woods, and such. Meanwhile, romance locations are similar to what we see or encounter daily.

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Since I have never been in a relationship, perhaps I cannot relate to romance. Despite my preference for horror over romance, I cannot deny that romance is one of the best movie genres. Also, our moods influence the movies we watch. We like romance-comedy when we are sad, horror or thriller when we want to be thrilled, and action when we feel like watching it.

Regardless of the genre we choose to watch, let us appreciate it and the efforts of the people who contributed to the success of the films. These films not only entertain us but also teach us a lesson, take us on an adventure, and provide us with perspective. Moreover, all genres are good; itā€™s just that we have different opinions and attractions toward a particular genre.

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