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Stop Doing These 5 Things if Your Hair Is Bleached

Stop Doing These 5 Things if Your Hair Is Bleached

To get the vibrant hair color that you desire, bleaching is necessary. However, dry hair and scalp are inevitable results of bleaching. If not properly cared for, your hair may feel very lifeless. Although treating bleached hair like normal hair may be tempting, you shouldn’t because it is no longer the same as natural hair. 

Photo by cottonbro/Pexels

Hair bleaching is a chemical procedure that involves opening up the cuticle and removing the pigment (color) from hair strands, making hair lighter and blonder. Because bleaching chemicals contain harsh substances, your hair shaft’s moisture content decreases. A shaft is an opening in the skin’s surface where hair grows and where natural oils are produced. As an effect of bleach, your hair is more vulnerable to breakage and damage. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

The following are five practices you are probably guilty of doing with your bleached hair. And to aid you, we’ve got the right hair care steps covered.

1. Brushing hair harshly 

Bleach-treated hair is more prone to tangling and snagging. Therefore, you should take additional care when detangling and styling. Use a wide-toothed comb to gently comb your hair. Also, brushing your hair before stepping into the shower will allow you to wash and massage your hair smoothly.  

2. Washing hair every day

For your bleached hair, overwashing is quite harmful. Daily hair washing removes the essential natural oils and proteins for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. To keep your hair’s natural oil, limit your hair washing to three times a week.

3. Using regular shampoo

Regular shampoo is a no for processed hair. You need products with moisturizing and hydrating qualities that are specially made for color-treated, damaged hair. Stay away from sulfate-based shampoos and opt for a sulfate-free shampoo with hair-nourishing ingredients. This shampoo variant preserves the natural oils on the scalp and hair, leaving your hair with more moisture in the end. You may also consider purchasing a color-protection shampoo for it will preserve your hair color and make it more vibrant. 

4. Skipping conditioners and oils

It’s important to realize how crucial it will be to manage hair after going through a bleaching process. Extra time and specific products will be required for your hair’s maintenance.  A good deep conditioner is essential for repairing bleached hair. Using conditioners is a simple way to achieve softer, more manageable hair in a matter of minutes.

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Hair oils are also effective in giving dull hair some gloss and shine. Consider trying coconut oil, almond oil, or argan oil. Argan oil is a fantastic all-purpose product that has a lot of vitamins to help nourish and moisturize your hair.

5. Using heat styling tools

To keep your bleached hair healthy, you must do moderate heat styling. Use your straighteners, hairdryer, and curling iron as seldom as possible whenever you can. Your hair is already fragile from the bleach, so adding more heat simply makes it worse. Additionally, heat fades hair colors, which is a problem for blondes attempting to avoid brassiness. It is the unwanted change of hair color, resulting in the appearance of warm tones.

If you really need to do heat styling, maintain your tool’s heat setting at the lowest possible level, and don’t forget to use a heat protectant. Heat protectants shield hair from excessive heat and lessen the damage to the hair caused by heat styling tools.

Achieve healthy and lively bleached hair by following a daily hair care regimen!

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