POV: Early Bird vs. Night Owl

Every person has a unique lifestyle. Some incorporate a lot of activities to be productive while others are more chill and laidback. We also have different preferences regarding when we become more productive. A lot of the older generation prefer a normal day-to-night routine while the younger generation turns it upside down. These are called the early birds and the night owls.
Let us differentiate the early bird and the night owl, two opposite lifestyles, and bring a thing or two about them to the table.

Being an early bird means being an early-riser. These people prefer to wake up even before dawn to start their day. They literally wake up with birds chirping perched in the trees, or a rooster crying out. Now, there is a misconception about this routine. People think that being an early bird is simply waking up in the morning. It is about being productive and accomplishing tasks after the sun hit our eyes.
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It boosts our energy and fuels our body for a long day ahead of us. This is something night owls miss out on. There is also a thing called “morning routine.” It is having a constant set of activities and lists to check during the morning. Having this routine releases happy hormones into our body which lightens our mood. It may include working out, yoga, house chores, and even bowel cleaning (if you know what I mean).
Finishing chores before midday gives us a lot of time to put our interests into other activities we want to do. This is something a night owl would have a hard time doing. Most successful people are early birds such as Dwayne Johnson, Tim Cook, and Michelle Obama. It could be a secret to success.

People who prefer to do tasks in the latter part of the day until past midnight are called night owls. They have a routine just like an owl – asleep in the morning, awake at night. Especially in the younger generation, people are becoming night owls. For them, creative juices and productivity drive are released when it is dark. We can all agree that it is quieter at night, calmer, and we have lesser distractions.
Party-goers are certified night owls. They say fun only gets started after dusk and party begin after 10 in the evening. Other night-people solely prefer doing tasks at night because this is when all their creativity and efficiency pour in. Who cares if being a little sleep-deprived is its price, at least you finished your checklists. Being a night owl is also fun since there are no other people who are the top distraction.
Both routines have pros and cons. It is for you to find out which suits your body and lifestyle better. No matter what is more applicable to you, the important thing is you do you. After all, an early bird and a night owl both know how to fly.

Angelo has always been interested in photography and writing. He has been participating in various photography-related events since high school. Street photography is his most favorite type as he believes that this is where life is the most candid - where inequality, denigration, love, and hope coexist everyday. One day, he aspires to be an environmental photojournalist that does his part for a better world.