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Literary Choices: Reasons Why You Should Pick the Mystery Genre

Literary Choices: Reasons Why You Should Pick the Mystery Genre

Whether it would be in the world of literature or movies, the Mystery genre is among the highest-ranking genres around the world. In literature, the genre ranks second to the highest among the most popular and best-selling genres today. But why do many people find it so appealing? And more importantly, why is picking the mystery genre a good choice for its readers?

Get engrossed in the world of Mystery!

The mystery genre is one of the many literary genres one reader can choose from. It involves stories of crime, disappearances, or mysterious circumstances that its characters should solve or unravel at the end. In most cases, the mystery genre widely features stories of murder and how they are solved. However, the genre is not only limited to murder crimes alone.

So, what makes it a good choice?

What isn’t so intriguing about a good old mystery? It provides its audiences with baffling storylines, intriguing sets of characters, astonishing big reveals, and incredible solutions to puzzling dilemmas. Beyond all that, the genre has no shortage of riveting plot twists that continue to enthrall its audiences to keep yearning for more.

But if you thought that’s all that it can offer, well, here are some more reasons for readers to pick the mystery genre:

Getting to Solve Mysteries

A part of the mystery reading experience is having to participate in playing detective of the story. When reading books from the mystery genre, you get to exercise your deductive reasoning skills, as well as your observational skills. You also get to immerse yourself in putting puzzle pieces together and linking the gaps between pieces of evidence. Above all, if you’re keen enough, you get to solve the mystery before the rest of the story unfolds.

Never a Dull Moment

With high stakes, piling questions left unanswered, plus red herrings and false leads deceiving you, there’s never a dull moment in the world of crime fiction. From beginning to end, the story leads the readers to a gripping chain of events. These events, in turn, provide the right amount of suspense and tension to rattle the readers’ nerves.

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Always a Satisfying Ending

When reading mysteries, readers have this overarching expectation of how justice will eventually be served in the end. From petty to huge-scale to morbid crimes, readers anticipate how the perpetrator pays for their crimes and how they will soon be caught. And unlike reality, this expectation most likely comes to fruition almost always at the end of each mystery. So if you dream of witnessing a utopian dream of rightfully served justice, then the mystery genre is just for you.

In Summary

The world of literature is full of fascinating genres to choose from. From romance to horror to comedy and the like, readers can experience different emotions through the stories they read.

But if the riveting experience of mystery stories is your cup of tea, then go try out some mystery literature today.

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