It’s a wrap: Things I learned as an Intern

You probably won’t get to complete your college life without experiencing your On-the-Job Training or Internship Program. It’s somewhat very different yet a big milestone for us, college students. And is sometimes considered as a sign which means graduating is fast approaching! So, for sure everyone of us has either a good or bad memories being an intern on those companies we’ve worked with.
Here are my greatest takeaways as a College Intern:
Work from home is very different from a real workplace setup. My journey as an intern writer was very different from my other classmates. It was a full remote work, so I always start and end my day at the four corners of my room. At first, I enjoyed every day I get to work alone, not until I sometimes experience lack of interest with what I’m doing.
It was so hard, especially at times when I feel like not doing any progress at all. You really have to look for your most comfort place to work to. But you know what keeps mo motivated? It’s the overwhelming feeling seeing your article being published and read by many.

Always believe in yourself and in your passion. This I guess was the most valuable idea I never forget throughout my internship journey. Yes, it was indeed a rollercoaster ride finishing my 300 hours at work. Yet, it was so fulfilling. What I also learn about being an intern writer was to always write within your heart.
It’s so fulfilling finishing every write-up knowing that you’ve exerted all your efforts on it. To some, other days may not be in your favor. But always believe in yourself. As long as that’s your passion, everything would go on its right phase. Trust me, you’ll get to know how overwhelming it is achieving things you didn’t expect to be. Trust the process! *cross-fingers*
Take risks — accept new challenges. Expect for new things and be brave to accept them. Internship Programs also opens us to new things we weren’t familiar with. It’s a good thing, of course. Regardless with the fact the we work within our niche, it’s also good to explore outside your comfort zone! Taking risks will always be a part of our every journey. Just remember to do it with love and faith within yourself. It might be as challenging as hell, but it will all be worth it. *winks*
Give yourself a break when you need to. Always take note of this because internship journey will surely be tiring. Well, it was quite tiring for me due to the fact that it was a new environment. Although I obviously own my time due to my work setup, it will be so boring if you can’t properly manage your time. Regardless with that, always take a break when you feel the need to. Never compromise your health since you won’t physically and mentally work well if you aren’t feeling good.
TIP: During my Internship with VPM, I had created a wonderful relationship with coffee. Black coffee is a god-tier!!
Never compete with your co-interns. I won’t get to enjoy my internship with VPM if it weren’t because of my colleagues and co-interns. You must always remember that internship teaches you how real work, works. So, never compete nor build a gap within your co-interns and most especially with your supervisors. Building a good raport within your co-interns is very helpful especially if you wish to pursue getting a stable job on that company. Above all, enjoy and make your internship journey a fruitful one.

Voila! It was a very fruitful internship journey indeed.
I still remember the anxiousness I feel during this Internship Program. From the application phase down to how I sometimes procrastinate myself just to finish was very struggling. However, getting to work with Village Pipol was a smooth sailing and unexpected feeling for me. I sometimes even fear of being called out because of being to complacent.
It really is important to work in a very healthy company. Despite the fact of being in a work-from-home setup, I didn’t feel alone. Thanks to our supervisors, we never felt as if we are just mere interns, rather, we felt as if we are professional journalists — a family.

To Village Pipol Fam, thank you for giving me the chance to tell stories to the world. Being your intern writer will forever be a great opportunity for me whom I will always look back. My extra love and gratitude goes to you, Miss Angela and Sir Josh.

Kristel Anne, better known as Telly but hates to be called by her second name “Anne”, is currently a Broadcasting student of Bicol University. She’s an ambivert type of person to which led her as an outspoken one, and a struggling writer at the same time. As a long-time hopeless romantic, she sought solace through writing, plus watching romance genre or any tear-jerker films will always be part of the option. She also finds peace through music.