Get Into It, Boys! Enzo Villacorta Shows Us How to Look Fresh on the Daily

Enzo Villacorta is a digital content creator that shows men that a little extra skincare and a few products will bring out their best selves.
Quality Content from Enzo Villacorta

The content-creating industry may be fast-growing, with new creators popping up left and right. It’s easy to find the number of personalities on your feed all muddled up. There are, of course, some gems that we find hard to miss. One of those is Enzo Villacorta. A content creator with still a fairly small audience but remarkable work. He makes a variety of content for beauty, skincare, and hair. The product reviews he makes are posted on his social media accounts where he is seen trying on the products in real-time. What sets Enzo apart is his use of editing, music, and camera work that makes his short TikTok content refreshing to watch. The contents set the products in a light environment which makes them look more enticing and attractive.
Makeup and Skincare Recommendations for Everyone

Enzo Villacorta’s content creations are quick and easy ways to find new favorites. Mostly trying out local products, Enzo brings light to the thriving beauty industry in the Philippines. Thus, debunking the long standing perceptions saying local products are inferior, especially in beauty. He tries on the most beautiful makeup with the most flattering colors, and you can see on his skin how well the product looks in the environment. Just as well, his skincare contents are informative, curated, and refined. Proving that he is commendable as a content creator.
Enzo has the Brands’ Favor

As we can see Enzo Villacorta only promotes brands that he has tried himself. Furthermore, his opinions are sincere and reputable. The way he narrates his impressions are constructive. Most importantly, Enzo is honest, but not vulgar. That’s probably why although he is a fairly small creator, brands love him. Just an easy sight to see across our feeds, Enzo Villacorta and his aesthetic content stay in a region of high quality. As much as we know far too many influencers, Enzo definitely has a spot among our new favorites.

Zacchary is currently pursuing his Bachelor's degree in fine arts majoring in Advertising Arts from the University of Santo Tomas. A self-proclaimed jack of all trades with a passion for fashion design, he uses his array of skills to celebrate his expression and serve as an avenue for learning about queer identities.