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Disney Films had given us the life we’ve never seen

Disney Films had given us the life we’ve never seen

The Disney films that were a part of our childhood shows us a world that we had never seen before. Including in these are things that only exists in fairytales but could have been real. The wonderful and heartfelt things that can only be found in these movies appear nowhere else. Everyone here has seen some of Disney’s films and they all have their own special qualities that set them apart from one another. Disney is more than just a cartoon station and the movies that we’ve watch there have introduced us to aspects of life that we’d never experience before. And it is just such a wonderful experience to observe it with the joy and various emotions that we’ve felt at the time.

disney films
Grapics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña

Disney Films had given us the life we’ve never seen

Kids enjoyed themselves tremendously while watching Disney films. From its animated films to its blockbusters featuring live action, we are all huge fans of Disney. Especially, since the company began producing shows like Hannah Montana and the movie where the Sprouse siblings are in it. I say this because whenever I heard the term “disney” that is the first thing that comes to my mind. Nevertheless, the thing that most of us remember about Disney is how wonderful the animation of their characters and princesses are.

Grapics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña

It’s incredible to reflect back on the shows and movies that Disney put on for us. For example, the bravery of each character, as well as the conversing animals that we adore, prompted me to consider how significant the roles of animals are in each of our lives. They eventually become the larger context of the situation. The characters in it are incredible as well, and each one is distinct from the others. They show us how to be courageous, how important family is, how animals can be friends, and how everything we need to know about faith and forgiveness is contained in there.

Grapics | Rianne Royce B. Opeña

It shows us the life that we had never seen exists because we are too focus on things. That we didn’t realize even before, it was taught to us by the films we had watch.

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