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Chess: Learning the Basics

Chess: Learning the Basics

In understanding chess, one must consider that it is not just a game. Chess is an art that requires bold and cunning movements. Centuries have passed, and it remains a popular board game. As history progress, so do the strategies and tactics required in playing this highly competitive game. Luckily for starters, we have gathered a list of the basics of learning Chess.

Understand the Chessboard

For novices and beginners, even those considering on taking paid chess lessons, it’s good to understand the chessboard. It can familiarize you with different positions and angles. The pieces are set up in squares, with the second rank filled with pawns. Next, Rooks are placed in the corners. Moreover, they are followed by the knights and bishops. In addition, the queen is positioned in her respective color (black queen on a black square, and vice-versa). And lastly, the king is placed in the remaining square.

Learning the Characteristics of the Game

As Cersei Lannister quote “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” The same can be applied to the game of chess. The objective of the game is to checkmate the enemy king, so plan your move ahead or risk total defeat. Also, learning players should master the discipline of the touch-move-rule as it demonstrates formidability and decisiveness.

  • Practice your opening moves
  • Protect your king
  • Utilize your chess pieces
  • Control the center
  • Practice capturing key pieces 
  • Practice on closing moves

Moves and Countermoves

Another important strategy that most players should remember is that don’t carelessly throw away your pieces! Each piece provides a value in the chessboard, so it’s best to always plan your moves keeping two steps ahead of your opponent and planning a counter on their every turn. In addition, take in mind that different pieces have different moves.

See Also

  • Pawns move forward but capture diagonally 
  • Rooks can move forward, backwards, and to the sides as far as they can.
  • Bishops can move diagonally as far as they can.
  • Knights are unique pieces that can move in an “L shape” and can move through other pieces.
  • The Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard that can move diagonally, sideways, forward, and backwards as far as she can. 
  • The King is the most valuable piece, it can move one square in any direction.
  • Special moves include “Castling”, “En Passant”, and “Promotion.”

Think like a Grandmaster

A formation of enemy infantry advances in a frontal assault, while their rampaging elephant had broken the line. The elusive king tries to retreat but a flanking manoeuvre was already set by the enemy cavalry. Thus, “Checkmate!” is declared.

The game of chess requires insights, bold moves, and keen strategies. In addition, over the millennia of its existence, chess is considered a tool of military prowess, a beacon for human affairs, and a showcase of genius. One might put it as the ensemble of art, science, and sports.

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