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Teenage Angst: Empowering Yourself Through Tough Times

Teenage Angst: Empowering Yourself Through Tough Times

Teenage Angst — Can’t life be a drag at times? When I was a teenager, it’s easy to feel like the world is against me, that every move I make is closely watched, and that I can’t do anything right. But what if I told you that you that I changed my inner monologue from critical to empowering?

I’m not saying this will work for you, but the power of positive self-talk worked for me so might as well share. It all comes down to changing the way you talk to yourself. Instead of berating yourself for minor gaffes (such as tipping in front of your class, stuttering when asked by people), try speaking to yourself with compassion and understanding.

But, how would you actually shift your thinking?

Practice Active Self-awareness

Recognize when you are being hard to yourself. Challenge your thoughts whenever you are self-deprecating. Try talking to yourself and try to find the value out of your loss. Yes, you are sad, you can be sad. But being sad doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn something from that mistake. You are always learning something.

Use Positive Affirmations

Use positive phrases to tell yourself and be your own encouragement. It may sound cringe, honestly. Trust me in this, it really works. Try telling yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals or that you deserve love and respect. Talk to yourself in the mirror, post it on a note, make it a mantra whenever you’re going through difficult times.

See Also

Surround Yourself With Positive Influences

Spend time with your supportive friends, read inspiring books, listen to uplifting music, play games that you find fun. Make time for yourself, work out and find a new hobby.

As a teen, you have so much time in your life and that is your edge.

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