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FotoSerye: “Sultry Woman”

FotoSerye: “Sultry Woman”

Fashion photography is an art of photography that transcends the world of fashion. This includes shooting spreads for fashion magazines and photographing clothes on runways and in showrooms and on location for lookbooks. As we all know, It can be artful or commercial, but it’s almost always about seizing the moment between a fashion model and the clothes on their body. With that being said, FotoSerye contains all of my experiences in the art of Photography.

I created this Photo Collection series, to showcase my shots and the concept behind them in building my portfolio. This serves as an avenue to know where I’m at in terms of rationale and skills as Photographer. And here I am ready to face all the trials and tribulations in becoming an excellent fashion photographer someday!

The Inspiration behind the “Sultry Woman”

My theme for my shoot is called Sultry Woman. To give you a little rationale on why I wanted this theme from the very start. I’m always fascinated by the power of women around me, they inspire me. In addition, with their given charm and power, They don’t dress sexy just to gain power or by attracting men. But, they’re trying to raise their self-esteem for themselves, and for me, that encapsulates the vision for my shoot!

Although my theme is not over-the-top fashion on what people expect when you think of fashion. For my case, I wanted it to evoke a sensual feeling of what a sultry woman contains that transcends, whoever is looking at my shots.

Working with Mika Reins of PMAP Models

Communication with the model is one thing that everyone must exemplify! and just like me who is still in the process to be more vocal in directing the model, it wasn’t easy for me, but I braved the whole experience. At the end of the day when looking through my photos, I was deeply surprised. Since Mika Reins was able to deliver the concept that I wanted her to channel, in a voluptuous and attractive way.

See Also

It takes a Village!

After the shoot, I realized a vital part, that It takes a village to make and execute a shoot. Everyone on the team plays an important role in the success of the shoot. I made sure to thank all the people behind my first shoot, who gave their best effort. Especially my Mentor in Fashion Photography is none other than Mark Neto Diaz.

Creative Direction and Photographer | Kurt Abonal
Model | Reins Mika of (PMAP) Professional Models Association of the Philippines
Makeup | Keiv Torres
Hair | Daniel Forro
Stylist | Nash August
Photography Mentor | Mark Neto Diaz

Special thanks to Josh Austria and Fashion Institute of the Philippines – Ortigas Main

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