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Dragonlands: TFT Set 7 Revealed!

Dragonlands: TFT Set 7 Revealed!

The Dragons are set to fly for the 7th set of Teamfight Tactics (TFT)!

The new set is titled Dragonlands as it brings us to the world of ancient dragons and new tactics to look into. The expansion set will be available on patch 12.11 on June 8, 2022.

What’s TFT?

For the unaware, TFT is a spinoff auto battler game of Riot Games’ League of Legends. It is played in an arena where players need to compose a team of units that synergize with each other.

At the start of the game, eight players will be in a shared draft where they will choose one champion with an item at the same time. In each round, random champions will be given to players that they can choose to build a team. Each champion has its unique skill for battle. Besides this, champions also have traits that synergize with other champions that affect the game. Players will fight against the other’s team in each round until only one player is left standing. In short, it’s just chess with extra steps.

Gameplay and Mechanics

What’s new

As the title suggests, dragons will be the main theme of this set. There will be seven realms (champion’s trait) across the Dragonlands where each realm has a powerful ancient dragon. These dragons also have triple the trait bonus and because of how powerful they are, they cost 10 gold and take two team slots.

Treasure dragons will replace the Raptors. Ever since TFT’s inception, raptors have been a part of the game. A round where they will face raptors instead of other players to get random gold, champions, or items. This time, treasure dragons will offer game resources that they can reroll to help players complete their items or team composition. Once an offer is rerolled, players will not be able to get it back.

What’s kept

With the success of TFT Set 6: Gizmos and Gadgets, Riot decided to keep some of its mechanics from this set.  Augments will stay for set 7 and will be called Dragon Shrine. These shrines will be given to players as they progress in the game where they can choose one of the three shrines. Each shrine has an effect that can help them win.

Set 6 also introduces Double-Up where the game will be played in pairs. It became a success so it will stay for Set 7. It will also have a Double-Up specific set of dragon shrines.

Designs and More!

With this new set, there will be two new little legends added, Burno the grumpy dragon, and Poggles the derpy dragon. For a new mythic little legend, Choncc the Wise skin will be added. Little legends are the players’ avatars.

Set 6 Chibi champions was also a success that’s why in Set 7, Chibi Yasuo with a Dragonmancer variant will be added.

Set 6 also introduces their first mythic arena which has dynamic elements and changes as the game progresses. Now on Set 7, the 2nd mythic arena will come in Dragonlands. Riot will change its distribution and will not tie the 2nd mythic arena to a bundle, unlike the 1st one.

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