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What is Life After Leaving School

What is Life After Leaving School

To have a degree is the dream of many. 

They say finish school and your life will be great. School is where we spend most of our entire life, empowering our knowledge, learning skills, and gaining experiences. But most of our days are spent inside classrooms. We are locked in the four corners while we explore life through books. 

But can we really learn about life through books? Because I always ponder on this: what is life after leaving school? 

Life After School

It can be a sense of relief, excitement, or joy, or it can be terrifying. Our sense of approach varies. But one thing is for sure. Life after college unfolds a new chapter of our lives. 

Life will never be easy on us. But we will be bombarded with a plethora of opportunities and experiences which we never had in college. We will only see reality once we step out of school. Life per se will change drastically for us. And it can be very scary especially when we don’t even have a clue of which right path to take. 

It takes seventeen years to finish a bachelor’s degree. And I am in a rush to step out of school and earn money. But it’s not always easy as I think it is.

I don’t know if this is valid but regardless of the years I spent in school, I still don’t know which path to take or what career to pursue. Hilarious, right? I feel like I have wasted a lot of time trying to think of what I really want in life. And now that I am nearing the end of my college, I am panicking internally. 

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On Our Own

This moment of our life can really cause anxiety. We may get a lot of what if’s in our minds. But that is okay. We have a lot of options on how to deal with the noise inside our minds. It’s either we let them ruin us, or we switch it off. 

And after all the years we spend in education, we can still be overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that await us. But, it’s okay to breathe a little. And one thing is for sure, sleepless nights will soon be paid off. 

In the end, it will all be worth it So keep going and chase the life that you want. You might be confused right now, but I am sure you will get back on track. 

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